- Laportea Gaudich [医] 艾麻属(荨麻科)
- A new species of Laportea (Urticaceae) from Xizang (Tibet). 西藏艾麻属(荨麻科)一新种.
- Through the method of CTAB, total DNA of Wild Species of Boehmeria nivea (Linn.) Gaudich was extracted. 摘要用CTAB法提取悬铃叶苎麻基因组DNA。
- Laportea bulbifera Wedd. [医] 零余子艾麻
- wild Species of Boehmeria nivea(Linn.)Gaudich 苎麻野生近缘种
- any of several tall Australian trees of the genus Laportea. 澳洲的高大乔木艾麻属的几种植物的任意一种。
- )Chew[Urtica meyeniana Walp.;Laportea pterostigma Wedd.; 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Dendrocnide meyeniana(Nalp.
- Boehmeria nivea Gaudich [医] ┐麻
- Gaudich 高迪什
- Laportea 艾麻草属
- Laportea medogensisn. 墨脱艾麻
- Sect. Laportean. 珠芽艾麻组
- Laportea bulbiferan. 珠芽艾麻
- Laportea cuspidatan. 艾麻
- Laportea elevatan. 棱果艾麻
- Laportea fujianensisn. 福建红小麻
- Laportea interruptan. 红小麻
- Laportea violacean. 葡萄叶艾麻
- Laportea vlolacea Gagnep 葡萄叶艾麻