- Lao Tzu thought 老子思想
- "Each leaf is the tree," Lao Tzu said 2,000 years ago. 两千年前老子说过这样的话:“每片树叶都是树”。
- The third part was the development and contemporary value of the humanism thought of Lao Tzu. 第三部分为《老子》人学思想的发展及当代价值。
- The second wonderful parable is from Chinese thoughts of Lao Tzu. 第二个精彩的故事来源于中国庄子的思想。
- However, Lao Tzu did leave us a problem in translation. 然而,老子留给了我们一个翻译的问题。
- It shows how Lao Tzu detested extravagance and dissipated life. 由此可见老子对骄奢淫逸的深恶痛绝。
- The spirit of freedom is the core of Chuang Tzu thought. 摘要自由精神是庄子哲学思想的核心。
- As Lao Tzu said, even a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. 老子曾说,千里之行始于足下,就是这个道理。
- Notable early pagan proponents included [[Lao Tzu]], [[Plato]], and [[Cicero]]. 早期著名的异教支持者包括[[老子]],[[柏拉图]]和[[西塞罗]]。
- Lao Tzu went on to say that “No calamity is greater than discontentment. 老子又指出:“祸莫大于不知足。”
- They are different in that Book of Songs describes concrete phenomena while Lao Tzu generalizes abstract philosophy. 所不同的是:二雅所描绘的多是些具体的现象,而《老子》则从哲学的高度对其进行抽象的概括。
- It has both the beauty of Buddha and the beauty of Lao Tzu; it is the child of both. 它既有佛陀的美,也有老子的美;它是佛陀与老子的产物。
- Only if you live up to awareness,you could be Jesus, Lao Tzu , Zarathustra, Buddha . you have really lived in Soul. 只要你活在觉知里。你可能是耶稣基督,老子;查拉图司特,佛陀.
- Hsiang-Kuo do not oppose institutions and morals as such, as did Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu. 向郭不像老庄那样,反对制度和道德本身。
- Legend of the Eight Diagrams of the furnace, is the founder of Taoism Lao Tzu by the first casting. 传说中的八卦炉,就是由道家的鼻祖老子第一个铸造出来的。
- Lao Tzu rebuked the dissipated rulers living in extravagance at his time as bandit chieftains. 老子指责当时过着骄奢淫逸生活的统治者为强盗头子。
- The primary religious figures in Taoism are Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu, two scholars who dedicated their lives two balancing their inner spirits. 道教最初的代表是老子和庄子,两位学者献身于平衡内在精神。
- The theory of the management ethics of Lao Tzu Ben Yi is highly rational and valuable, and therefore we should spend more time studying it. 《老子本义》的人本道德管理思想具有很大的合理性,值得进一步挖掘和研究。
- Lao Tzu people are respected, not only the wisdom of Taoist ideas spokesman, the blacksmith is the embodiment of the wisdom of practice. 人们所尊敬的老子,既是道家的思想智慧的代言人,又是铁匠的实践智慧的化身。
- Having witnessed the irreparable decline of the Zhou Dynasty, Lao Tzu was so disappointed that he finally decided to go abroad for reclusion. 那位官员说:你老先生就这么走了吗?