- Language Designated Position 语言指示位置
- And, master special breathing skill even, Armthe movement must reach the designated position, maintain sarcous tensity. 而且,还要掌握特殊的呼吸技巧,手臂的动作一定要到位,保持肌肉的紧张度。
- However, inadequate language design is not the only reason for needing code-generating programs. 然而,语言设计不充分并不是需要代码生成程序的唯一原因。
- Imitate do not imitate reach the designated position, what to do column of so called Rome, it is botch simply that thing. 模拟都模拟不到位,弄什么所谓的罗马柱,简直是糟践那东西。
- Tensile member forces in pinjointed frames are designated positive. 枢接构架中,拉力构件的力规定为正。
- A high-level computer programming language designed to support structured programming and used in teaching, applications, and systems programming. 帕其卡语言一种高水平的计算机编程语言,用来支持结构化编程、应用于教学、应用和系统编程
- To this, the explanation of a lot of schoolbook also is quite dogmatic and curt with what reach the designated position not quite. 对此,很多教科书的解释也是相当教条生硬和不够到位的。
- There are a number of significant weaknesses in Managed Extensions, which we feel are corrected in the new language design. 在托管扩展中有若干重大的漏洞,我们觉得这些漏洞在新语言设计中得到了更正。
- I am to invest 2 million RMB to make this item, before brushstroke financing reachs the designated position, just a year of time. 我是投资200万人民币来做这个项目,第一笔融资到位之前,恰恰一年时间。
- A programming language designed to process data consisting of lists. It is widely used in artificial intelligence research. 表处理语言用于处理包含有表格的数据的编程语言,被广泛地运用于人工智能研究
- Lift after the leg when reaching the designated position, can stretch tight already straight instep, yi Ke ticks off a tiptoe. 腿后举到位时,既可绷直脚面,亦可勾起脚尖。
- A syntactic convenience; in general, it is not really a matter of XML language design but rather a matter of author or tool preference. 是一种语法上的便利,一般而言实际上并不属于XML语言设计中的问题,仅仅是作者或者工具偏好的问题。
- People pays attention to faucet to want one pace to reach the designated position, most at least uses it 10 years, and look enough even class. 人们讲究水龙头要一步到位,最起码用它个10年,而且还要看起来够档次。
- A language designed for programming numerically controlled machine tools. 设计工具设计程式的语言,用于数控机床工具。
- From theoretic saying is one situation has reached the designated position, because it can make we from enjoy optimal acoustics at the beginning. 从理论上说是一步到位好,因为它可以使我们从一开始就享受到最理想的音响。
- Many members of the working group considered simplicity of expression and ease of understanding to be primary goals of our language design. 工作组的许多成员认为表达的简单性和易于理解是设计该语言的主要目标。
- The cap of viatic cup must have been built, pigheaded reach the designated position, otherwise, the water in the cup can be aspersed come out. 旅行杯的盖子一定要盖好、拧到位,否则,杯里的水就会洒出来。
- And clothbound room perhaps cries one-time decorate the residence that reach the designated position, also will make the main trend of residential product in future. 没有成套的家具,欧式、中式以及东南亚藤编家具混杂,这是一种国际大同的艺术态度。
- Language designers are still necessary to synthesize unrelated ideas into a coherent whole. 语言设计者还是需要将一些没有关联的主意综合成一个一致的整体。
- A programming language designed for applications requiring numeric computations and some logical processes. 一种程序设计语言,主要为需要数值计算和某些逻辑处理的应用程序而设计的。