- Langston Hughes is one of America's greatest poets. 蓝斯顿休斯是美国中上最伟大的诗人之一。
- But Langston Hughes spread his creative wings even further. 但蓝斯顿休斯将其创作羽翼更向外伸展。
- Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri to two bookkeepers. 生于密苏里州乔普林(Joplin)的蓝斯顿休斯是两位簿记人员的儿子。
- Langston Hughes, “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain”, p. 168. 关于赫斯顿小说中民俗材料的运用,请参考“新黑人文学运动”部分。
- Both a short story writer and a poet, Langston Hughes proved himself equally skilled in either genre. 兰顿·休斯既是短篇小说家又是诗人,事实证明两种体裁他都驾驭自如。
- Black literature entered into the contemporary age since Langston Hughes and Richard Wright. 自理查德·赖特和兰斯顿·休斯起,黑人文学进入了现代时期。
- Langston Hughes influenced many other people with his art -- young writers and artists looked up to him. 蓝斯顿休斯的作品影响了许许多多的人,年轻作家及艺术家都以他为师。
- In the mid-1960s, he was fired from his job in Boston's Roxbury neighborhood for reading a Langston Hughes poem in class. 在60年代中期,他在波士顿的罗克斯伯里地区因为在班上朗读了兰斯顿.;休斯的诗而被解雇。
- Langston Hughes was an artist who used words to express himself, but other forms of art influenced him, and his work crossed over into other mediums. 蓝斯顿休斯是个用文字来表达自己的艺术家,但他也受到其他型态的艺术影响,所以他的作品跨越到其他的媒体。
- Langston Hughes, a prolific writer of the 1920’s, was concerned with the depicting the experience of urban Black people in the United States. 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,教育人生网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
- In New Orleans, hundreds of kids just started the school year at Langston Hughes elementary, the first school built from scratch since Katrina.The St. 在新奥尔良,数百名孩子在兰斯顿休斯小学开始新的学年,是在卡翠纳飓风后从无到有建造出来的第一所学校。
- In his short story The Professor, Langston Hughes has portrayed in an ironic tone a docile and servile black professor who behaves humbly before the white. 兰斯顿.;休斯在其短篇小说《教授》中;用讽刺的笔调刻画了一位在白人面前毕恭毕敬、性十足的黑人教授形象。
- James Langston Hughes (1902-1967) was one of the Best-known Black american writers of his time. at his death 47 Books carried his name as either writer or editor. 詹姆斯·朗斯顿·休斯(1902-1967)是他那个时代最著名的美国黑人作家之一。他去世时已经出版了47 种他撰写或编辑的书。
- Langston Hughes Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly.Hold fast to dreams For if dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. 梦想 将梦想握紧别放梦想一旦消亡生活像折断翅膀的鸟儿不能再飞翔。
- Dreams by Langston Hughes Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly.Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. 梦 快快抓紧梦 倘若梦死去 生命将如断翼的鸟 无法飞翔。
- tame obedience; meek as a mouse- Langston Hughes. 温顺的服从;温顺的像老鼠-朗斯通.;休斯。
- Dreams by Langston Hughes (1902-1967) 梦想 郎斯顿·休斯(1902-1967) 王道余译
- Langston Hughes and His Black World 兰斯顿·休斯和他的黑人世界
- meek as a mouse- Langston Hughes. 温顺的像老鼠-朗斯通.;休斯。
- Reflector of the Black Culture: Langston Hughes'Vernacular Poems 黑人文化的折射镜:兰斯顿·休斯的方言诗