- Land space right 土地空间使用权
- Joe, there's a space right behind that blue car. 那个蓝车正后方有一个车位。
- Construction of public sports facilities in residential compounds shall be reinforced and the required land space shall be allocated. 加强居住区公共体育设施建设,落实建设用地。
- There's a space right behind the blue car. Just pull up beside it. How come you waited so long to start turning the steering wheel? 那辆蓝色车后面有一个空位,就在它旁边停靠上去。你怎么等那么长时间才打方向盘?
- So, of course, he found a parking space right in front of the entrance, after a dozen times driving round and round the block. 然后他在附近绕了十几圈以后,最后果然在店门口前找到了停车位。
- In a land space of only 28.6 square kilometers, it is a foregone conclusion that there will be a great amount of empty positions. 在面积只有28.;6平方公里的澳门,却有大量的职位空缺,本地人力资的紧绌情况可见一班。
- The cap "looks something like a hockey in that depression," David Smith of NASA's Goddard Space Right Center re ported at the AGU press conference. NASA的Goddard太空飞行中心的大卫·史密斯在美国地球物理协会的记者招待会上汇报说:“这个冰冠在那个凹陷处看起来就像一个曲棍球。
- Setting an example of Chongqing LANDINFO system and EPSW, this paper discusses how to use field collection data of EPSW to set up land space database. 摘要以重庆市地籍管理信息系统(LANDINFO)和电子平板(EPSW)为例,阐述如何使用电子平板野外采集的数据建立地籍空间数据库。
- Abstract Number axis,plane right angle coordinate and space right angle coordinate in maths are the "numbers"of concret. 数学中的数轴、平面直角坐标系、空间直角坐标系为形而下之数 ;
- In order to free up some land space, I plucked a few fingers free and laid them like beams straddling two adjacent tower “columns”. 为了再多利用一些空间,我拣起剩下的细棍,把它们架在相邻的两个小塔的顶端,这样细棍看上去就像跨在塔“柱”中间的梁。
- With a flat topography, the District covers a land area of 351.6 square meters, with exploitable land space of 200 square meters. 区内地势平坦,全区陆域面积351.;6平方公里,可用于工业和城市建设的土地面积达200平方公里以上;
- Space right is the right formulated by a certain amount of space upon the earth ora certain amount of space under the earth as an object. 空间权是指以土地地表之上的一定空间或地表之下的一定地身范围为客体而成立的一种不动产权利。
- Modeling this region of the metastable phase space right after radiation has been applied promises to be a new and exciting area of research. 在使用放射线后建造亚稳相区域的模型有望成为一个令人激动的新研究领域。”
- Land Space Developed This Year refers to the land area of land development and prophase development projects completed, which can carry out construction or remise. 建筑工程 指各种房屋、建筑物的建造工程,又称建筑工作量。这部分投资额必须兴工动料,通过施工活动才能实现。
- Many countries had legislated special or relative laws to regulate the space right.However, the legislation and research on the space right in our country is quit lag. 许多国家对此进行了相关或专门的立法,然而,我国对空间权的研究和立法较为滞后。
- In another of the Science papers,Michael Mumma of NASA's Goddard Space Right Center and his colleagues propose that the carbon-depleted C/LINEAR may have foimed in a relatively warm environment. 在另一篇刊登在《科学》上的论文中,美国国家航空航天局的戈达德航天飞行中心的迈克尔·姆马和他的同事们提出不含碳成分的C/LINEAR或许形成于一个相对暖和的环境里。
- In another of the Science papers, Michael Mumma of NASA's Goddard Space Right Center and his colleagues propose that the carbon-depleted C/LINEAR may have foimed in a relatively warm environment. 在另一篇刊登在《科学》上的论文中,美国国家航空航天局的戈达德航天飞行中心的迈克尔·姆马和他的同事们提出不含碳成分的C/linear或许形成于一个相对暖和的环境里。
- The right to pasture animals on common land. 共用权在公共土地上放牧动物的权利
- They conceded us the right to cross their land. 他们容许我们在他们的土地上有过路权。