- Land division and confluence 地块划分与合并
- Be responsible for cost division and vouch audit. 成本分摊及凭证审核。
- Our troops then pursued Tan's division and wiped out half of it. 我军又追击谭师将其消灭半数。
- The Transport Division and the AMS Band were set up. 医疗辅助队运输组和乐队相继成立。
- Which undergoes meitotic division and forms a linear tetrad. 由孢原细胞直接发育形成大孢子母细胞。
- New cell division and proliferation stop as the organism matures. 新的细胞分裂和增殖随生物体成熟而停止。
- Division and Cooperation of a task can be realized in CoGIS. 多用户并发状态下的协同编辑策略是协同GIS必须解决的问题。
- A taxonomic category ranking below a phylum or division and above an order. 纲一种分类范畴,级别低于门或类,而高于目
- Her policies were divisive and reactionary. 她的政治是分裂和倒行逆施。
- The collision in Beijing 2008 Olympic games of Taoist school and Taoism culture and Olympic spirit, mean the exchange and confluence of the cultural spirit between east and west. 道文化与奥林匹克精神在2008年北京奥运会的碰撞,意味着东西方文化精神的交流与融合。
- A hedge forms the division between her land and mine. 有一道树篱在她的土地和我的土地之间形成了分界线。
- All these acts are divisive and therefore impermissible. 这些都是破坏团结的行为,是不能容许的。
- Regimental, divisional and army-level political commissars? 合格的团政治委员、师政治委员、军政治委员有多少?
- We have got maps like this for every division and we keep them up to date. 我们每个部门都有这样的图表,并使它们符合最新的情况。
- Mason sidesteps approval from Division and orders a field unit there. 梅森避开向地区总部申请批准,命令派遣一支外勤队去那个地址。
- The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land. 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。
- The storm blew fiercely over land and sea. 暴风雨猛烈地吹过陆地和海面。
- He came and staked out a claim to the land. 他来提出要求说那块地应归他占有。
- Well, the VIPs happened to be the general of the 25th Infantry Division and an entourage of about twelve people. 不过,这位大人物碰巧是25师的将军和大约十二个人的陪同团。
- Its divisibility and prime number theorems overlap parts of number theory. 其可除性和质数定理部分与数论(number theory)重叠。