- Lai was detained by police. 赖姓男子被警方拘留。
- A passenger aboard was detained by police. 船上乘客被警方拘留。
- The interviewer surnamed Li was detained by police. 这位姓李的面试官已经被警察拘留。
- Ukraine's interior minister offered to resign after being detained by police at Frankfurt airport while apparently drunk. 在法兰克福机场因明显醉酒而被警察拘留之后,乌克兰内务部长主动提出辞职。
- Bonnes, of Margaret Avenue, Ballyclare, was detained by police at a Chinese takeaway in the square area of the town on St Stephen’s Day last year. 女佣,吴路, ballyclare ,被警方拘留在一个中国外卖,在天安门广场地区城市对圣士提反湾的一天去年。
- This past week, Dechen Pemba, an ethnic Tibetan who holds a British passport, said she was detained by police as she was leaving her Beijing apartment. 上周,DechenPemba(德庆边巴),一名持有英国护照的藏族人,说她在离开北京的公寓时被警察拘留。
- After a five-mile jaunt through a bar district in eastern Beijing, seven runners were detained by police on suspicion that they were involved in a terrorist plot. 他们在北京东部的酒吧区完成一个五公里的短途旅行后,七个跑步者被警方逮捕,理由是怀疑他们与一个恐怖策划有关。
- At least one reporter was detained by police, and video of the incidents showed uniformed police aggressively questioning, and in some cases shoving or hitting, several reporters. 至少有一名记者被警方拘留,通过事件的录像说明,穿制服的警攻击性地询问和殴打几个记者。
- The couple, in their early 30s, were detained by police earlier this month after they had made love in the confessional box in the cathedral in northern Cesena. 这对年纪在30岁出头的夫妻,是因为在切塞纳北部教堂的告解室做爱,于本月初遭到警方扣押。
- He was detained by a flat tire on his way home . 在回家的路上,他因为车胎扁了而耽搁了。
- I was detained by an unexpected guest that evening. 那天晚上我被一位不速之客拖在家里。
- She was detained by an unexpected visitor. 她因有人临时来访而被耽搁了
- He was detained by a flat tire on his way home. 在回家的路上,他因为车胎扁了而耽搁了。
- Ukraine's interior minister offered to resign after being detained by police at Frankfurt airport while apparently drunk. The Ukrainian government is already missing a foreign and a finance minister. 乌克兰内务部长因机场事件请辞,概不长在法兰克福机场由于处于明显的“酒醉状态”被警方拘留。目前,乌克兰外交和财政部长二职也处空缺
- The shares have been detained by the police. 中英文对照:股价而遭到警方拘留。
- I was detained by an unexpected caller that morning. 那天早晨我被一个突然的来访者缠住了。
- On her way through Quici, she was detained by the State of Quici. 在那之前,懈忧公主将她的女儿送到汉朝去学习中国音乐。
- At present, 4 suspects have been detained by the police. 目前,4名犯罪嫌疑人已被警方刑事拘留。
- We were detained by a car accident. 我们由于意外而被耽搁了。
- He is one of eight suspects detained by police, all are medically trained. 谢谢依依的提醒,偶还以为是口误呢!丢人了,偶马上给大家改过来!