- Lacrosse Boiling Water Reactor 拉克洛斯沸水反应堆
- Two boiling water reactor (BWR) are selected in the analytical works. 同时,探讨功率提升后运转条件改变对薄化位置的影响。
- The Columbia Generating Station is a 1,150-megawatt BWR (boiling water reactor) facility. 哥伦比亚发电站是一个1,150兆瓦BWR工厂。
- SBWR simplified boiling water reactor 简化沸水堆
- ABWR advanced boiling water reactor 先进沸水堆
- Indirect cycle integral boiling water reactor 间接循环一体化沸水反应堆
- Dual cycle boiling water reactor system 双循环沸水反应堆系统
- EBWR experimental boiling water reactor 实验性沸水堆
- Forced flow boiling water reactor 强制怜沸水反应堆
- Improved cycle boiling water reactor design 改进循环沸水反应堆设计
- Experimental Boiling Water Reactor 实验性沸腾水反应堆
- Pressurized Boiling Water Reactor 加压沸水反应堆
- boiling water reactor type reactor 沸水型堆
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。
- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 让茶叶在滚开的水中浸泡五分钟。
- He immersed the knife in boiling water. 他将刀子浸入沸水中。
- Nodular corrosion a local corrosion occurring on the surface of zirconium alloys usually in boiling water reactors (BWR), directly affects service life of the zirconium cladding and threatens the safety of reactors. 疖状腐蚀是沸水堆中锆合金表面经常发生的1种局部腐蚀现象,它的产生直接影响包壳管的使用寿命和反应堆的安全性。
- She steeped the tea in boiling water. 她用滚开的水泡茶。
- The kettle spat boiling water over the stove. 水壶把开水喷溅了一火炉。
- Wash pigeon, parboil in boiling water, remove. 乳鸽洗净,放半煲水内飞水,隔乾。