- Objective:To investigate the technique and efficacy of microsurgery for lacrimal ductile tear. 目的:探讨泪小管断裂显微手术吻合的方法及效果。
- Keywords Lacrimal ductile;Tear;Microsurgery; 泪小管;断裂;显微手术;
- Lacrimal ductile 泪小管
- Ductile iron body able to withstandrough handling. 球墨铸铁阀体能够经受恶劣的操作环境。
- Lacrimal gland origin is very rare. 临床上以泪腺为源发器官者十分罕见。
- The purest gold is the most ductile. 纯金最韧(大丈夫能屈能伸)。
- Conclusion: Lacrimal sac tumors are rare. 接下来两年多的追踪,肿瘤没有再复岭。
- Ductile iron body able to withstand rough handling. 球墨铸铁阀体能够经受恶劣的操作环境。
- Are accessory lacrimal glands innervated? 副泪腺有神经支配吗?
- The mind of a child is usually ductile. 小孩的心智通常是易于塑造的。
- This metal is light and workable and ductile. 这种金属既轻,又易加工,延展性也好。
- Clay is ductile when it's mixed with water. 粘土和水混合,就变得柔软可塑。
- Turbine materials for the bronze + ductile iron. 涡轮材料为锡青铜+球墨铸铁。
- The fractograph exhibited typical ductile dimple fracture pattern. 断裂形式呈韧性断裂,断口以韧窝为主。
- Lacrimal gland of youth seem to be particularly well-developed. 青春的泪腺似乎特别发达。
- Ifthe bony lacrimal passages were intact,mucosal lacri-mal passa... 结论鼻侧切开术中正确处理泪道,可提高患者生活质量。
- So ductile is gold that it can be drawn out into a fine wire. 金子延性极好,可以把它拉成细丝。
- Steel in this class is tough,ductile and easily machined. 这种钢强韧,延展性好,而且容易加工。
- Casting include ductile iron casting and gray iron casting. 灰口铸铁,球墨铸铁各种牌号的铸件
- Ductile Iron Bodymore durable than cast iron (reduces breakage). 球墨铸铁阀体比铸铁更加坚固耐用(降低损坏率)。