- In the succession of "labor creates value",new labor value monism emphasizes the materialized works for creating the condition function of value and relation of assigning,thus promotes the completion and development of market economy. 新劳动价值一元论在继承劳动创造价值这一本原的基础上,强调物化劳动对于创造价值的条件作用及与分配的关系,从而推动了市场经济的完善与发展;
- On Sticking to and Developing the Proposition of Labor Value Monism of Marxism 坚持和发展马克思主义劳动价值一元论
- Labor value monism 劳动价值一元论
- "Productive labor" in the labor value of K.Marx. 马克思劳动价值论中的“生产劳动”
- The theory of labor is the basis of labor value theory. 劳动理论构成劳动价值理论的基础。
- In classical economics, Ricardo school insisted on the typical Labour Value Monism. 古典经济学中 ,李嘉图学派坚持典型的“劳动价值论一元论”。
- The theories of labor and labor value are important of part Marxism. 劳动和劳动价值论是马克思主义的重要组成部分。
- The labor value theory of Marx is the cornerstone of whole plutonomy. 马克思的劳动价值理论是整个政治经济学的基石。
- It will be replaced by the theory on brainwork and Brainwork Labor Value Theory along with the development of the era. 传统劳动价值论是资本主义自由竞争时期的产物,本质上是体力劳动价值论,它将随着时代发展逐渐被脑力劳动与脑力劳动价值论代替。
- This essay points out the reason why Ricardo approved Malthus' viewpoints, and answers the questions Zhang Wuchang attacking labor value theory. 本文指出了李嘉图之所以同意马尔萨斯的主张,提出违反其本意的说法的原因,并对张提出的用以攻击劳动价值理论的具体问题,依据马克思的理论予以回答。
- The theory of labor value in the classical political economy of england refers to the law which decides the exchange rate of ancient trade pby barter. 英国古典政治经济学的劳动价值论是指原始实物交换条件下的交换比例的决定法则,它必然同资本主义自由竞争条件下的商品价格决定和变动规律相抵触。
- Nowadays, technology has become the primary factor in the economy development and many people begin to question Marx's theory on labor value. 摘要当今世界,科技已成为推动经济的第一要素,不少人开始对马克思的劳动价值论提出质疑。
- Marx makes labor value theory more complete to the analysis of commodity fetishism, become a key that anatomizes capitalist production means. 马克思对商品拜物教的分析使劳动价值理论更加完备,并成为解剖资本主义生产方式的一把钥匙。
- What to break through?The limitation of the labor that overcomes Marx namely and labor value doctrine and " academic scotoma " . 突破什么 ?就是克服马克思的劳动和劳动价值学说的局限性与“理论盲点”。
- We theoretically conclude the labor globality and its value: The labor value of science is the globality value of labor logical reasoning. 传统理论认识产生的具体偏差,都与对劳动的认识有偏差相关。
- The results show that the work identity of female breadwinners in this fishing community is credited to three factors, including: (1) Womanizing labor value from the labor regime. 本文是透过在地女性之观点,呈现妇女所形塑出之工作认同;在资料分析上,是以交换理论为架构。
- Therefore, the Marxist Theory of Labor Value still constitutes the theoretical basis for China taking part in international economy activity after entering WTO. 因此,马克思所阐述的劳动价值论仍然是指导我国加入WTO后进行国际经济活动的理论基础。
- Labor value theory is one of cornerstone of the Marxism, build on the foundation that Marx, Engels concerns doctrine of labour force value in critically and classic plutonomy. 劳动价值理论是马克思主义的基石之一,是马克思、恩格斯在批判古典政治经济学有关劳动力价值学说的基础上建立的。
- A postmodern approach balances private and common rights by allowing all labor value to be retained by households and requiring social value to be taken as taxes. 后现代主义的方法通过让全部劳动价值留于家庭并要求社会价值按税上缴来达到私人和公共权利的平衡。
- Below changed theory and real environment, stand in the height of the times, academic to labor value reappraise provides academic content to have real sense again already. 在变化了的理论与现实环境下 ,站在时代的高度 ,对劳动价值理论的重新评估既具理论意义又具现实意义。