- The bail-out on March 29th of a small savings bank, Caja Castilla La Mancha, could change that perception. 房价曾如英美一般充满泡沫:从2000年起至最高点,房价上涨近2.;5倍。
- Molinux is an Ubuntu-based desktop distribution developed by the regional government of Castilla la Mancha in Spain. MoLinux是一份基于Ubuntu的Linux发行,它由西班牙的Castilla la Mancha政府开发。
- In school, she played the leading role in a number of musicals, including Man of La Mancha and Grease. 并获最有潜质演员奖及杰出女演员奖。
- The first part of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes was first published in 1605. 届时,西班牙将举办展览会、公众读书日、电影展和读者讨论会等庆祝活动。
- The first edition of El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha (Book One of ) by Miguel de Cervantes was published in Madrid. 1605年的今天,米圭尔·德·塞万提斯所著的唐·吉诃德第一部在马德里出版。
- Alonso Quixano, a retired country gentleman in his forties, lives in an unnamed section of La Mancha with his niece and a housekeeper. 它,公正的赋予世上每个人的都只有一份。它是世上最公平的一样东西,但在这公平的一份内,不少人庸庸碌碌,无所作为;
- Since then she has lived on her own.Paula is their aunt.She lives in a village in La Mancha where the whole family was born. 两姊妹一年一度回乡扫墓,顺道一探年老的宝娜阿姨及邻居娥古丝汀娜(布兰嘉波蒂露饰演),点知一次回乡却换来阿妈的鬼魂?!
- An excellent new red wine. Intense colour, fruity and intense. The Shiraz grape ripened in the excellent climate of La Mancha, makes this a top class wine. 一款杰出的新酒,果香浓郁,拉蒙洽气候特别适宜西拉的生长,好葡萄酿好酒。
- During the reign of Alfonso VIII, it was loaned to a brotherhood which founded the Grand Priory of La Mancha, and it has a double row of walls and several large towers. 不过,看到它们,还是会想到唐吉诃德和风车巨人的故事。呵呵。另外山脊上的风很大,要当心帽子什么的不要被吹掉了哦。
- This thesis analyzed the possible influences which the great Spanish writer of the Golden Age, Migul de Cervantes, may have on the British novelists between the 18th and 19th centuries, in his novelistic masterpiece known as Don Quixote de la Mancha. 本课题研究的对象集中于生活在18、19世纪的菲尔丁、奥斯丁和狄更斯三位小说家。 通过仔细阅读研究18、19世纪的英国小说,本题检验了它们体现的《堂吉诃德》影响,每部小说都体现出了对《堂吉诃德》接受的不同侧面,因为每位作家因为身处不同环境不同时代对《堂吉诃德》的理解就各不相同。
- Finca San Jose is located near Albacete in the La Mancha wine region of Spain.An individual family owned Vineyard and Bodegas that offers great value for money for these spectacular wines. 马丁内斯萨亚茨葡萄酒庄园拥有的圣何塞葡萄种植区位于西班牙的拉曼恰葡萄酒法定产区,是一个家族企业,出产性价比很高的葡萄酒。
- The Impossible Dream from Man of La Mancha 梦幻骑士
- We only have an a la carte menu. 我们只有分类菜单。
- La Mancha 拉曼查(西班牙中南部平原地区)
- La Mancha goat 拉曼查米细毛山羊(西班牙)
- We have set courses and also a la carte dishes. 我们备有套餐,也可以用点菜的。
- Would you like to order a la carte? 你愿意(按菜单)点菜吗?
- Six tumbrils carry the day's wine to La Guillotine. 六辆死囚车给断头台小姐送去了那天的美酒。
- We have both set courses and an a la carte menu. 我们有套餐及点菜式的菜单。
- Would you like to dine a la carte or table d'hote? 您是吃点菜还是公司菜。