- This is not fathomless, why be subject matter in order to kiss two honour of famed world statuary, of Luo Dan " kiss " with Bolangkuxi " kiss " , finish at Paris. 这就不难理解,为何以亲吻为题材的两尊闻名世界的雕像,罗丹的“吻”和勃朗库西的“吻”,都完成于巴黎。
- Luo Guoming claims he was imprisoned for a week last September. His 16 year-old daughter Luo Dan died with another 600 or so children, when the Juyuan Middle School in Dujiangyan collapsed. 罗国明(音)称,他在去年九月被监禁了长达一周。他16岁的女儿罗丹(音)和都江堰聚源中学的其他600多名同学一起在地震中死亡。
- On the Creation of Children Literature by LUO Dan 罗丹儿童文学创作略论
- Ba Luo Dan"for Congenital Anterior Auricular Fistula in 36 Cases 拔瘰丹治疗先天性耳前瘘管36例
- in fistulizating stage,"Ba Luo Dan"was topically used; 脓溃管存期用拔瘰丹腐蚀拔管;
- Keywords Congenital anterior auricular fistula;"Ba Luo Dan"decannulation; 先天性耳前瘘管;拔瘰丹;拔管;
- Author LUO Dan;CHEN Yu;WU Wei;et al(Clinical Laboratory Cental;General Hospital of Air Force;Beijing 100036;China); 作者罗丹;陈雨;吴卫;张峰;徐佳;李蓉生;
- The pies in the store window made Dan's mouth water. 商店橱窗里的馅饼使丹垂涎欲滴。
- The doctor will set Dan's broken leg. 医生将替丹的骨折的腿正骨。
- Dan won a cool thousand dollars. 丹赢了整整一千元。
- I am Daniel Jones, but I go by my nickname, Dan. 我叫丹尼·琼斯。不过我用教名的略称:丹。
- AN EXPLORATION AND CREATION IN THE KINGDOM OF FABLES AND FAIRY TALES--On the Creation of Luo Dan's liter works for Children 在寓言王国中的探索和创新--罗丹寓言创作略论
- Dan had a quarter but he went broke matching pennies with Fred. 丹原来有2角5分钱,但和弗雷德赌分币时,全部输光了。
- Author Wang Chun;Tao Limei;Geng Liping;Luo Dan;Teng Maikun;Wang Yuzhen;Cui Tao (College of Life Sciences;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230026;China); 作者王淳;陶丽梅;耿丽萍;罗丹;滕脉坤;王玉珍;崔涛;
- Dan Davies has been chosen to front a new discussion programme. 丹·戴维斯获任主持一个新的讨论节目。
- Dan really went to town on his daughter's wedding reception. 丹在他女儿的婚礼宴会上花钱太多。
- Luo Shengjiao gave his life to save a Korean child. 罗盛教牺牲自己拯救朝鲜小孩。
- Luo kunsheng hopes sincerely everyone are healthy! 罗坤生衷心祝愿人人都健康!
- Will you be free this evening, Professor Luo? 罗教授,您今天晚上有空吗?