- The development of Loran C system is system combination with satellite,and it is complementarity and standby each other,the best performance of navigation system of own cortrol is provided. 罗兰C系统的发展方向是与星基系统的组合应用,实现与星基系统的相互补充和备份,提供完全自主控制的高性能导航系统。
- Loran C and GPS can be integrated in a variety of ways,and a combined system outperforms what either can do alone. 它与星基系统能以多种方式组合 ,可以获得比单独一个系统更好的导航、定位、授时性能。
- This thesis discussed the integrated LORAN-C/SINS navigation system which took LORAN Time Difference(TD) as observation vector. 本文详细讨论了LORAN-C/SINS组合导航系统的模拟实现。
- Design of the Doppler navigation system. 水下航行器的多普勒导航系统设计。
- The method and technolgy of encoding & modulation and the ideal results for "EUROFIX"are useful for comprehensive application of Loran C system in China such as "Changhe 2 and BPL". 它的信号调制、编码技术和方法以及非常理想的实验结果 ,也许对我国“长河二号”、“BPL”综合利用有所借鉴。
- The software design is the crux of integrated navigation system. 组合导航系统的关键是软件设计。
- The TOC message can be broadcasted, solely or alternating with DGNSS message, over one Loran C channel. 在一个罗兰C信道上,可以单一广播TOC信息,也可以与差分GNSS信息交替广播。
- In this paper, the DR/GPS/LoRan C integrated navigation system is studied in theory , and an effective way to solve this problem is given. 本文以DR/GPS/劳兰C船舶组合导航系统为研究对象,从数据融合的角度出发,为提高船舶组合导航系统的导航精度和容错能力提供了有效的解决方法。
- Navigation System: To Touch a Screen or Push a Button? 车载导航系统:是使用触摸屏还是使用按钮?
- We want to buy car GPS navigation system,please with contact us. 我们需要购买汽车GPS导航系统,请尽快与我们联系。
- The shortcoming of current Loran C for timing is analyzed in this paper,and the main objective of realizing data broadcast on BPL data channel is presented,too. 分析了现有罗兰C(包括BPL)在授时方面存在的不足 ,提出了在BPL信道上实现数据广播的主要目的。
- I am looking for Garmin GPS Navigation system for the USA Market. 如果您是本网注册会员,请登录后查看联系方式。
- The same storm disrupted shortwave radio transmissions, cripple Coast Guard loran navigation systems and had automatic garage doors opening on their own. 这次太阳风暴同时还使无线电短波通讯中断,海岸警卫队的洛兰远程导航系统瘫痪,车库的自动门自行开启。
- Fuzzy Evidential Reasoning to Risk Assessment of Ship Navigation System[A]Proceedings of the First International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response[C], 2007 . 胡甚平;方泉根;蔡存强.;基于贝叶斯网络推理的船舶航行风险评价[A]船舶航泊安全的新经验新技术论文集(上册)[C];2007
- Planning of Future Satellite Navigation Systems. 设计未来的卫星导航系统。
- Hyperbolic navigation systems were first implemented as ground-based navigation systems operating in the medium and long-wave radio frequency spectrum like LORAN, DECCA or OMEGA. 双曲导航系统首先在陆基导航中得到应用,他们工作在中波或长波段,如LORAN、DECCA和OMEGA。
- Initial Alignment of Inertial Navigation System Using Wavelet Neural Networks. 采用小波神经网络的惯导系统初始对准。
- Navigation system based on customers'wishes rather than IBM product lines. 导航系统尊重客户意愿而非IBM产品线。
- A triply redundant navigational system. 一个三度冗长的航海系统
- The aircraft engines, autopilot, and navigation system are absolutely reliable. 飞机发动机,自动驾驶仪和导航系统绝对可靠。