- Among China modern writer, Ling Ding go through with special individual social relationships, have influenced her creation directly and to the appraisal which she created. 在中国现代作家中,丁玲由于特殊的个人经历和社会关系,直接影响了她的创作和对她创作的评价。
- How did Ding Ling Treat Living and Die? 丁玲怎样对待生和死?
- Listen to a song and sing: Jingle bell, ding ling ling. 师将包摇一摇;响起铃铛声.
- The people were in point or verge of the ding stayed proceedings. 要不是国王阻止,人民正准备发起暴动。
- He incurred the wrath of the emperor for defending Li Ling. 他因为替李陵说话,触怒了皇帝。
- Ding Ling (1904 -1986), originally Jiang Bingzhi, was a native of Linli, Hunan. 丁 玲(1904-1986)湖南临澧人。
- She held her breath as the horses came toward the finish ling. 当马群跑向终点线时,她紧张得屏住了气。
- She threatened to ding him on the head. 她吓唬说要打他的头。
- Tong Nian is its soly legal heir. 童年是这所房子的唯一继承人。
- Yuan Yuaner shi yi nian (1284) to create. 元至元二十一年(1284)创建。
- Its “nian tou” is fairly long. 它的年头儿可不短了。
- Da Nian squats and lookes at the moon. 蹲坐着的大年抬头望月。
- There, head articles in Chinese newspapers by Ding Ling, Mao Dun, and other friends mourned her death. 中国的报纸以显著地位刊登丁玲、茅盾等友人悼念她的文章。
- Qianlong inwu shi yi nian (1786) in March to the Hall of pilgrimage and worship of the five Wenshu autographed poem, carved in tabletsdai luo ding behind. 乾隆于五十一年(1786)三月来此殿进香,朝拜了五方文殊并亲笔题诗,刻在黛螺顶碑记的背后。
- Xiao Ling is quite suited to is a forward. 小凌很适合做前锋。
- If you lead a diamond ding,you can win a trick. 如果你打方块K的话,本来是可以赢一墩牌的。
- May I speak to Mr. Ding, please? 可以请丁先生听电话吗?
- The whole ding weighs 875 kilograms. 方鼎重达875公斤。
- How did Ling Feng make the baby stop crying? 林峰是怎样让婴儿不哭的呢?