- LACN Local Area Cell Network 局域信元网络
- LACN Local Area Communication Network 局域通信网
- The packet is now launched onto your Local Area Network or LAN. 现在这个信息包被投放到你的局域网里。
- How is the local area network built excuse me with safeguard? 请问局域网如何建设与维护?
- They built up a local area network using switchboards. 他们用分享器建立了区域网。
- He was a policeman and his duty was to keep the peace in the local area. 他是位警察,他的职责就是维护当地治安。
- A hub is a device that connects several nodes of a local area network. 网络集线器连接一个局域网内的多个节点的设备。
- She knows the local area very well. 她非常了解这地区的情况。
- A computer network that spans a wider area than does a local area network. 比局域网的跨域大的计算机网络。
- Few of the staff come from the local area. 人员中很少有人是本在区的。
- Once we had a name, I ran a series of traces on a cell network in Prague. 我们知道名字之后 我在布拉格的移动网络进行了一系列的搜索
- Are the experts on your local area! 他们在你的当地地区方面是专家。
- Tint--- color drain and local area enhancement. 部分颜色衰减并使局部颜色增强。
- NOTAM (L)s receive only local area distribution. 这种通告的内容只涉及由本地区机场提供的相关信息.
- Microglia, one of the glial cell types in the CNS, are an important integral component of neuro-glial cell network [1]. 神经胶质是中枢神经系统的一种神经胶质细胞类型之一,是神经胶质细胞网中重要的、不可缺少的组成部分。
- The paper has discussed the issues about safety of Local Area. 本文从局域网面临的安全威胁出发,探讨了保障局域网安全的对策及解决方法。
- A LAN consists of all the computers confined within a local area. 一个局域网(lan)可以是在某个局部地区内。
- Gas seepage causes a certain ecologic influence on the local area. 气田烃类渗漏将对当地生态环境的造成一定影响。
- Conclusion:Paratyphoid A is epidemic obviously in the local area. 结论:副伤寒甲沙门杆菌在我省流行较突出,为夏秋季节的常见传染病。
- Dream to wear corolla, want a local area leadership. 梦见头戴花冠,要当地区领导。