- Kyodo news agency quoted sources as saying both mother and baby were fine. 日本共同社报道说,母子平安。
- Japanese Foreign Minister Yohei Kono announced the decision on Fujimori's nationality at a regular news conference, Kyodo news agency said. 共同新闻社指出,日本外务省大臣河野洋平在一场例行记者会中宣布了这项确定藤森国籍的声明。
- China will allow Japan to invest in drilling projects in return for a share of the profits, Kyodo News agency said. 他在日本媒体报道双方在共同开发争端区域达成了一直后,他作了如上言论。
- Japanese Foreign Minister Yohei Kono announced the decision on Fujimori's nationality at a regular news conference,Kyodo news agency said. 共同新闻社指出,日本外务省大臣河野洋平在一场例行记者会中宣布了这项确定藤森国籍的声明。
- Reporter from the Kyodo News Agency: May I have your view on the case of five Koreans'intrusion into the Japanese Consulate in Shenyang? 共同社记者问:关于5个朝鲜人闯日本驻沈阳领事馆事,您有何评论和看法?
- Tokyo Electric Power Co. said that operations at nuclear power plants in Fukushima were not affected, Japan's national Kyodo News Agency said. 据日本国家共同社报道,东京电力公司表示,在福岛县的核电厂运作正常,并不受地震影响。
- The planned job cuts would be equal to about 10 percent of the company's work force, Kyodo News agency said, citing unnamed industry sources. 共同社援引不愿透露姓名的业内人士的话说,计划中的岗位削减相当于公司总员工的10%25。
- According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency, a cafe in Nagoya has lured many customers by giving them opportunities to play with rabbits. 据日本共同社报道,一家可让顾客和兔子亲密接触的"兔兔咖啡馆"自在名古屋开张以来,生意非常兴隆。
- Reporter from the Kyodo News Agency: Will China open wider in Internet cooperation, in particular, publishing articles on each other's website? 共同社记者问:中国在两国网络媒体合作相互发出对方文字方面会更加开放?
- "This is the worst economic crisis in the post-war era," Yosano said at a press conference, according to Japan's Kyodo news agency. 据日本共同社消息,谢野馨在一次新闻发布会上说,“这是战后时期最为严重的经济危机。”
- Aiko may be a royal but, like most Japanese elementary school pupils, she will walk to school each day, Kyodo news agency said. 据日本共同社报道,爱子公主虽然是皇室成员,但她还是会像多数日本小学生那样,每天步行上学。
- The men drove away after spraying the powder over the students with a hose, Kyodo news agency said. Sixty people were taken to hospital, it added. 这两名男子用管子朝学生喷洒粉末后开著车逃逸,据共同社报导。共有60人被送往医院,共同社补充道。
- It can easily be removed and is not fixed to the ground," Kyodo news agency quoted the Osaka High Court as saying in its judgement. 它可以被轻易的挪来挪去而并非完全固定在某一块地面之上。
- According to the Kyodo News Agency, Japan's Coast Guard has declined to confirm the reports of the deployment in the waters of Diaoyu Islands. 根据韩国联合通讯社消息,日本海岸警卫队拒绝确认有关在钓鱼岛水域部署的报道。
- However, the Japanese Kyodo News Agency's article also pointed out that in the white paper related China's some indications already tend relax. 不过,日本共同社的文章也指出白皮书里有关中国的一些表述已趋于“缓和”。
- Kyodo news agency said it was the first time in Japan that awomanhas acted as a surrogate mother for the child of her daughter--effectively delivering her grandchild. 日本共同通讯社表示,母亲为女儿代孕生产下外孙,这在日本尚属首次。
- Runways at Narita airport near Tokyo were briefly closed afterthe quake but no irregularities were found, the Kyodo news agency quoted airport officials as saying. 由于地震发生地距离首都东京很近,因此东京有很强的震感。地震发生后,位于千叶县的东京成田机场跑道一度关闭,往来与东京与千叶之间的多条铁路线也都停止运行。
- Japan's Kyodo news agency also reports China and Japan have canceled planned talks between their foreign ministers that were initially scheduled for Beijing on Sunday. 日本共同社报导说,中国和日本取消了原定于星期天在北京举行的外交部长会议。
- A Kyodo news agency report today (Monday) cites sources close to the ongoing talks who say the two sides are expected to announce the deal as early as this week. 共同社的报导今天(星期一)援引一名接近中日会谈的消息人士的话说,预计双方最早本星期将宣布有关协议。
- Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi termed the result "unfortunate" and directed officials to determine what went wrong as soon as possible, Kyodo news agency said. 据东京新闻社透露,日本首相小泉纯一郎讲话表示非常遗憾,并指派官员尽快查明原因。