- Kusters mangle 库斯特式轧液机
- Idol of Ferocity changed to include Mangle(Cat). 凶猛神像现在也影响撕裂(猫形态)。
- "Savage Fury" no longer affects "Mangle (Bear)". 野蛮暴怒不再影响熊芒果。
- This paper uses the Kuster -Toksoz mode... 用计算实例说明了该方法取得的良好效果。
- To chop roughly;mangle by hacking. 很粗暴地劈;砍杀
- To chop roughly; mangle by hacking. 很粗暴地劈;砍杀
- Just How Many Ways Can You Mangle Physics? 究竟有多少方法可以您曼格莱物理?
- Berserk: Now clears the cooldown on Mangle Bear. 狂暴:现在扫清了降温的轧熊。
- New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle his feet. 新鞋子不会硌脚,起泡,或让脚受伤。
- Cherish communal establishment, not to mangle public property. 爱护公共设施,不损坏公物。
- Mangle (Cat) - Now does 200% normal damage (up from 160%). 割碎(猫)-现在造成200%25的正常伤害(原为160)。
- Glyph of Mangle - Increases the duration of Mangle by 6 sec. 裂伤雕文-增加裂伤的持续时间6秒。
- The plane is late; it is going to mangle your schedule for the day. 航班延误了,而它将影响你一整天的行程。
- Mangle's talent link tooltip indicates a 100 yard range. 裂伤的天赋链接显示为100码距离。
- Improper use possibly result in bodily damnify, and mangle fintness machine. 使用不恰当可能会因导致身体受伤和损坏机器。
- Mangle (Feral): Now increases the damage done by Maul in addition to Shred. 野性的芒果(裂伤):在增加撕碎伤害基础上,也增加重殴伤害。
- This machine has the function of hammering and galvanothermy mangle. 具有锤打和电热熨平机之功能。
- There are some soft nip calenders from Germany KUSTER in kunshan banknote paper mill. 昆山钞票纸厂安装有多台从德国KUSTER公司引进的机内软压光系统。
- This is a protective action to Germany KUSTER soft calender when normal work condition doesn't reach. 这是德国KUSTER公司在生产条件未满足的情况下,对浮动胶辊采取的一种保护性措施。
- Thais clavigeras Kuster and Mytdus eduhs L are more quantitive in three tidal zones. 然而,贻贝L和卵laetuca L生活在高盐度和暗礁。