- Kuroita Koji 黑板行二(1932-),日本人,实业家。
- Koji wants to run away from home. 浩二想从家里出逃。
- Koji:.Is it that good? I want to go deeper. 是非常舒服么?我想进得更深。
- Koji: Wow! You can see the whole city from up here. 哇哦!你在这上头能看到整个城市。
- Koji: Alright.Let's open it with something bigger ahd harder. 好啦。让我们用更粗大更硬的东西撑开它吧。
- Koji Tsumoto, the guitar virtuoso from Japan live in beijing! 津本幸司,居住在北京的日本吉他大师!
- A retainer discovered that the drunkard was Kwashin Koji. 有位侍臣发现这位醉汉就是果正居士。
- Koji Tsumoto, the guitar virtuoso from Japan is in beijing! 津本幸司,居住在北京的日本吉他大师!
- All the Memebers: Sugi, Kayoko, Shishamo, Mayumi, Toshi, Koji and Masa. (check picture to see bigger image)成员:杉山,Kayoko,柳叶鱼,庆子,敏,Koji,正。
- Koji two years out (1489) tree, the following year in the examination. 明弘治二年(1489)举人,翌年中进士。
- Now, when Mitsuhide became master of Kyoto, he was told of the case of Kwashin Koji; and he ordered that the prisoner should be brought before him. 且说,当明智成了京都的主人后,别人告诉他关于果正居士的案件。他命令将犯人带到他跟前来。
- During the period of Tensho there lived, in one of the northern districts of Kyoto, an old man whom the people called Kwashin Koji. 天正年间,京都北部的一个地区住著一位老人,人们都称他果正居士。
- Its flavor was mainly from local nature condition and raw wheat koji using Jiangpi,wheat and red clay as raw material. 其风味来源主要得益于当地得天独厚的自然条件和以江皮、小麦、红泥土为原料踩制成的生麦曲。
- All present were astounded by this drinkingfeat; and the lord asked Kwashin Koji,Are you not yet satisfied, Sir? 所有在场的人对他的喝酒表演都感到惊愕;而后领主问果正居士,还没喝够吗?
- Edukacija_hr Portal koji objedinjuje ponudu raznih obrazovnih ustanova i centara za dodatno obrazovanje. 上海交通网集城市对内对外交通于一体的门户网站。含交通快讯,地图智能查询,培训等。
- Koji is a playboy, but Toru is a romantic one with his heart set on a certain lady. 耕二是个十足的花花公子,而透则是一个追求浪漫的家伙,他的心只对一位女士情有独钟。
- In the court of the palace Kwashin Koji was examined at once by the Chief Officer, and sternly reprimanded. 在宫殿内的法庭,果正居士立刻被首席法官审问,而且受到严厉的斥责。
- Koji making is a processing including the growth of Aspergillus oryzae,enzyme secretion and enzymolysis of substrates. 酱油制曲是米曲霉生长、分泌各种酶并且通过这些酶分解原料的过程。
- The dynamics of Rhizopus koji culture saccharification processing and the consumption of oxygen were studied. 对根霉曲培菌糖化过程的动力学及耗氧情况进行了研究。
- At last one day Arakawa unexpectedly caught sight of Kwashin Koji in a wine-shop, and there captured him. 终于有一天荒川意外地在一家酒店看到了果正居士,且在那儿捉到他。