- He collected several bills issued by the Kuomintang government. 他收藏了好几张金圆券。
- The Chinese "punitive" group consisted of the pro-Japanese elements in the Kuomintang government in Nanking who tried to wrest power from Chiang Kai-shek during the Sian Incident. 指西安事变时南京国民党政府内部主张讨伐张学良、杨虎城的亲日派。
- Later he served as vice president of the Supervisory Council of the kuomintang government. 他后长期担任国民政府监察院长
- The Kuomintang government to sign a peace treaty with Japan and join the triple alliance. 国民党政府同日本订立和平条约,加入三国同盟。
- People everywhere have urged resistance against the Kuomintang government's policy of nonresistance. 各地人民纷纷要求抗日,反对国民党政府的不抵抗主义。
- The Kuomintang government used stalling tactics in the negotiations with Japan from September to December 6,which ended without result. 在同年九月至十二月的中日谈判中,国民党政府又采用拖延的办法,使谈判未获结果而停顿。
- In May of that year,the Japanese demanded that the Kuomintang government grant them administrative authority over northern China. 这一年五月,日本帝国主义向国民党政府提出了对华北统治权的无理要求。
- At that time,the Kuomintang government signed a pact with the Soviet Union recognizing the arrangements of the Yalta agreement. 当时中国的国民党政府同苏联签订条约,承认了雅尔塔的安排。
- In view of the fact that the Kuomintang government is a one-party dictatorship,your party can never escape this responsibility. 在一党专政的国民党政府之下,国民党决不能逃避其责任。
- Therefore, the reactionary Kuomintang government had the audacity to violate the will of the people of the whole country and unleash the counterrevolutionary war. 以此种种,国民党反动政府就敢于违背全国人民的意志,发动了反革命战争。
- With every preparation made to seize the Nationalist capital at Nanking, the Communists sent a last ultimatum to the Kuomintang government. 攻占国民党首都南京的一切准备就绪后,共产党就向国民党政府发出了最后通牒。
- The right wing of the Kuomintang, dominated by the new militarism, broke away from the left Kuomintang Government at Hankow. 国民党的右翼,在新军阀的控制之下,跟汉口政府宣告决裂。
- In two and a half years, it has wiped out the main military forces of the reactionary Kuomintang government and all its crack divisions. 在两年半的过程中,歼灭了国民党反动政府的主要军事力量和一切精锐师团。
- In view of the fact that the Kuomintang government is a one-party dictatorship, your party can never escape this responsibility. 在一党专政的国民党政府之下,国民党决不能逃避其责任。
- At that time, the Kuomintang government signed a pact with the Soviet Union recognizing the arrangements of the Yalta agreement. 当时中国的国民党政府同苏联签订条约,承认了雅尔塔的安排。
- The Kuomintang government used stalling tactics in the negotiations with Japan from September to December 6, which ended without result. 在同年九月至十二月的中日谈判中,国民党政府又采用拖延的办法,使谈判未获结果而停顿。
- It was decided by history condition t hat the Kuomintang government dispatched troops in Burma,and it was inevitable result of Japan southing. 中国政府出兵缅甸是由当时的历史条件所决定的,它是日本南进的必然结果。
- Today the People's Liberation Army is superior to the remnant military forces of the reactionary Kuomintang government in numbers, morale and equipment. 现在,人民解放军无论在数量上士气上和装备上均优于国民党反动政府的残余军事力量。
- It is because we have defeated the reactionary Kuomintang government backed by U.S. imperialism that this great unity of the whole people has been achieved. 这种全国人民大团结之所以能够成功,是因为我们战胜了美国帝国主义所援助的国民党反动政府。
- In addition, the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Kuomintang CEC "elected" Chiang Kai-shek president of the Kuomintang government in order to strengthen its dictatorial machine. 此外,十一中全会还“选举”了蒋介石作国民党政府的主席,加强独裁机构。