- Kubota Enji 久保田圆次(1903-),日本人,官员。
- Rice also Kubota harvesters, corn harvesters. 还有久保田水稻收割机,玉米收割机。
- From about 1880 to 1903 was truly the golden age of mountaineering. 从大约1880年到1903年,确实是登山运动的黄金时期。
- In 1903, Henry Ford with partners founded the Ford Motor Company. 亨利·福特和他的合伙人在1903年创办了福特汽车制造公司。
- Madame Curie took the doctor's degree in physics in 1903. 居里夫人于1903年取的物理学博士学位。
- The Republic of Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903. 巴拿马共和国于1903年脱离哥伦比亚。
- We are a full line New Holland, CaseIH and Kubota dealer. 可用性和价格受更改和/或先前销售的影响。
- Company 1903, later became the largest car company in. 1903年创建了福特汽车公司,并且后来成为世界上最大的汽车公司。
- Aeronautics is a whole new ball game from what it was in 1903. 航空术大不同于1903年,展现出一个全新的局面。
- A member of the left-wing majority group of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party that adopted Lenin's theses on party organization in 1903. 布尔什维克俄国社会民主工人党占多数派的左翼成员,该党于1903年接受了列宁建党理论
- Most people believe that the first aeroplane flew in 1903,but this is not true. 大多数人认为第一次飞机飞行是在1903年,但并非如此。
- Kuithan was an accomplished artist and designer residing in Jena since 1903. 库森是一位善于社交的艺术家和设计师,自1903年起就住在耶拿。
- In its first year, 1903, Gillette sold a total of 51 razors and 168 blades. 第一年中,即1903年,吉列总共卖出了51个剃须刀和168片刀片。
- Former Harbin Railway Station (mixed constructionbuilt in 1903,removed in 1959. 原哈尔滨火车站(1903年建,1959年拆除,砖混结构)
- In 1903 Marie received her doctor's degree for her study on radioactive matter. 1903年;玛丽在她的放射性物质学习上取得了博士学位.
- Cherry trees, azaleas and lotus flowers add to the tranquility of Senshu Park, where Kubota Castle once stood. 樱桃树、杜鹃花和荷花为千秋公园平添了许多宁静,久保田城堡曾经就坐落于此。
- Many famous enterprises suchas Longxin BMW,Piaggio,Jianshe YAMAHA ,KUBOTA and Qingling Motor are our end-users. 隆鑫宝马、宗申比亚乔、建设雅玛哈、日本久保田、庆玲汽车等知名企业是我们的终端用户。
- We look forward to many further opportunities to share with Kubota these discoveries, and the spontaneous, fresh sense surprise they bring her. 我们期待分享漥田美树将来的各种发现,以及这些发现将会带给她的新鲜感、惊异与激发。
- "Sherlock Holmes" opened on July 27, 1903 at the enormous "Pavilion Theatre" Charlie seemed to change overnight. 1903年7月27日《歇洛克·福尔摩斯》新剧在气势恢宏的帕维廉剧院首演,不久外出巡回演出。
- According to the complaint, said the 15 people to staff the identity of the contractor, from 1992 in Osaka after the Kubota factory. 据诉状称,这15人以承包公司员工的身份,从1992年后在大阪市的久保田工厂工作。