- Kowloon Rotary Endowment Fund 九龙扶轮社捐助基金
- We donate to the school endowment fund every year. 我们每年向学校的捐赠基金捐款。
- The hospital was founded on an endowment fund. 这所医院是用捐赠基金创办的。
- Overall both events were successful and we started a $25,000 Allen Iverson Student Athlete Scholarship Endowment Fund to Bowie State University. 两项活动整体都获得了成功,我们并成立了一个25000美元的阿伦?艾弗森学生运动员奖学金,捐赠基金会,面向布伊州立大学。
- An endowed fund is a gift made to the Permanent Fund of The Rotary Foundation of RI. 一项捐助基金是一种赠予国际扶轮扶轮基金会之永久基金。
- She traveled to numerous countries on behalf of the disabled, and founded the Helen Keller Endowment Fund for the American Foundation for the Blind in 1930. 她代表残疾人,足迹踏遍海外各国,并且在1930年为美国盲人基金会创建了海伦·凯勒捐赠基金。
- Prof Goh donates generously to his alma mater.He has given to Mr & Mrs Goh Teng Loon Book Prize, the Kiang Ai Kim Endowment Fund and the NTU Bursary Endowment Fund. 对于栽培他的母校,吴教授不忘回馈,为吴廷润夫妇书籍奖、江爱泾捐赠基金、与南大助学金捐赠基金作出馈赠。
- International Children's Endowment Fund 国际儿童辅助基金会
- Endowment funds are earningnothing until they have outpaced the inflation treadmill. 大学捐款基金在超越通胀前没有挣得任何东西。
- Disaster Prevention Award Endowment Fund 预防灾害奖捐赠基金
- United Nations Peace Endowment Fund 联合国和平捐赠基金
- She left Hongkong and took the ferry to Kowloon. 她离开香港,摆渡来到九龙。
- Endowment Fund of the United Nations University 联合国大学捐赠基金
- Only a few top colleges and universities have stable endowment funds that generate money through interest accumulation and stock market growth. 只有少数第一流的学院和综合性大学有稳定的捐赠基金,可以通过利息积累和股票市场提成而产生资金。
- Endowment Fund Committee College Heads 院务委员会及属下委员会
- The transition from the prudent man rule to the prudent investor rule indicts the need of market, and diversification of the endowment funds to maximize the total return on its endowment fund. 从谨慎人规则演变到谨慎投资者规则顺应了市场需求,体现了捐赠基金投资多样化和回报最大化的客观要求。
- The gardener asked me for a rotary lawn mower. 园丁向我要一台旋转式割草机。
- The Permanent Fund is an endowed fund that is invested in perpetuity, with a percentage of the total value of the fund spent annually to benefit TRF's programs. 永久基金是一种捐助基金,针对扶轮永续经营而投资,每年以基金总额的某一百分比运用于扶轮基金会各项计划。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。