- Korean pine carbonization 炭化红松
- Dendrocola Mycoflora of Needles on Korean Pine. 红松叶栖真菌群落结构。
- A study on broad-leaved Korean pine forest dynamics modelling. 阔叶红松林动态模拟的研究。
- The white pine carbonization samples were analyzed by scanning electron microscope(SEM) and X-ray energy dispersive analysis(EDS) on different simulating fire conditions. 对模拟火灾不同受热条件下的炭化白松样品进行了扫描电镜(SEM)和X-射线能谱仪(EDS)分析。
- The number of ingrowth was very small in all stands, the ingrowth mainly occurred for shade-tolerant tree species such as Spruce, Fir, Korean Pine and broad-leaved tree species. 林分进界株数严重不足,进界的主要树种是云冷杉、阔叶树和红松,以耐荫树种为主。
- Claiming a big tree(Korean pine) also is a kind of consumption as a green choice in the most-direct way. 我们可以讨论,家具,家居,保健,植树,环保等方面的绿色选择,为朋友提供帮助。
- Langxiang Forestry Bureau lies in the south of Xiaoxinganling Mountain, known as "Home town of Korean pine". 朗乡林业局地处小兴安岭南麓,素有红松故乡之美誉。
- There were dead woods only in 14,22,42,54,70 cm diameter grade in Broad-leaved Korean Pine over-cutting forest. 阔叶红松过伐林内倒木大头直径仅在14,22,42,54,70cm径阶有倒木分布。
- The relationship between lignin content and relative absorptivity of IR-spectra of korean pine are studied. 研究了红松红外光谱的相对吸光度与木素含量的关系。
- Squirrels and Eurasian nutcrackers selected always the esculent seeds in Korean pine cones,about 73. 松鼠和星鸦会选择具有萌发活力的红松种子贮藏在地被物下,在红松球果内种子只有73。
- Apart from Korean pine ,larch and white birth, more than 40 rare animals like Sibera Tiger and bear, and other beasts and birds forest. 除红松,落叶松和白色的诞生外,超过40只稀有动物喜欢西贝拉虎并且忍受,以及其他野兽和鸟森林。
- Variety of species find their way here including Korean Pine , cedar , Waukegan juniper , ground hemlock , spruce and Fraxinus rhynchophylla . 白石砬子自然保护区林深木秀,红松、杉松、匍匐松、紫杉、云杉、花曲柳等珍奇乔木竞相生长;
- A preliminary study on ecological response of dominant tree species in Korean pine broadleaf forest at ChangbaiMountain to soil water stress and their biomass allocation. 长白山阔叶红松林主要树种对干旱胁迫的生态反应及生物量分配的初步研究。
- Studies on Microbiological Characteristics During Decomposition Process of Forest Litters Under Broad-Leaved Korean Pine Forest on Northern Slope of Changbai Mountain. 长白山北坡阔叶红松林下土壤枯叶分解过程中微生物学特性的研究
- A preliminary study on ecological response of dominant tree species in Korean pine broadleaf forest at Changbai Mountain to soil water stress and their biomass allocation. 长白山阔叶红松林主要树种对干旱胁迫的生态反应及生物量分配的初步研究
- Available N, P. K, Ca, Zn, Mn contents in rbinispberic soil under artificial pure korean pine forest were lower than those under nalinul korean pine forest aix! 天然林红松针叶含K、Ca、Mg、Zn、Fe、Mn等元素较丰富,人工纯林和人工混交林红松针叶含量相对较少; 人工纯林红松叶含N、P、Cu等元素较多。
- Single-peaked ESR signals with g factor 2.0044 and 2.0037 were clearely shown respecti vely from overwintered korean pine needles and their lyophylized chloroplasts. 用ESR波谱仪在越冬红松针叶及叶绿体冻干粉中检出了g值分别为2.;0044和2
- It is recommended to reserve Korean Pine and broadleaved tree species for current mixed Larch-Spruce-Fir stands to develop towards deciduous Korean Pine forest. 从枯损和进界看,如果能对红松和阔叶树进行保护,这种林分很可能逐渐演化为阔叶红松林。
- Commonly used log has wood of fir, Korean pine, Yu, northeast china ash, sweet camphor tree, basswood, wood of more precious pear having a flower, Ju wood, oak. 常用的原木有杉木、红松、榆木、水曲柳、香樟、椴木,比较珍贵的有花梨木、榉木、橡木等。
- The reaction condition of ISSR experiment of Korean pine was discussed, which was a basis for the study on genetic divergency among Korean pine populations. 建立了红松ISSR的最佳反应体系,为进行红松种群间遗传分化的研究奠定基础。