- Between Ideal and Reality: Inderstanding South Korean Diplomacy 在理想与现实之间:理解韩国外交
- Korean Diplomacy 韩国外交
- The spy's activities were concealed by the cloak of diplomacy. 间谍的活动是在外交的掩护下暗中进行的。
- International problems must be solved by diplomacy, not war. 国际问题应通过外交途径来解决,不应诉诸战争。
- The special envoy handled the delicate situation with diplomacy. 这位特使用外交手腕处理了这一微妙的局势。
- A history course that only glanced at the Korean conflict. 一节只简单提到朝鲜战争的历史课
- We cannot settle this problem by diplomacy and suaveness alone. 光靠外交和文雅我们不能解决这个问题。
- The defeat constitutes a major set-back for our diplomacy. 这次失败是我们外交上的重大挫折。
- He refined the whole art of shuttle diplomacy. 他把穿梭外交艺术提高到炉火纯青的地步。
- This is as true of warfare as it is of diplomacy. 这是真正的战争,就像刚才提到的外交。
- Excessive cleverness rarely pays in diplomacy. 聪明过顶在外交中是很少不吃亏的。
- Taekwondo has roots in ancient Korean martial arts. 跆拳道源于韩国古代武术。
- We were reduced to rely on naked diplomacy. 我们已退到了只能依靠纯外交办事的地步。
- They should not be the staple of diplomacy. 它们不应成为外交上的常规。
- Mark: Yeah. The Korean girl. Are you guys in a rut? 马克:是啊。那韩国女孩子。你们在一起已经没意思了吗?
- This is the essence of successful diplomacy. 这是外交成功的要诀。
- The Korean war touched off scarebuying in 1951. 年韩战引起了抢购。
- He was a master of administration and diplomacy. 他是行政和外交事务方面的一个杰出人物。
- They declared a boycott against all Korean goods. 他们宣布一项对所有韩国货的联合抵制行动。
- I had been stalling the diplomacy for nothing. 我在外交上所进行的拖延其实是徒劳无功的。