- Korean Buddhism 朝鲜佛教
- A history course that only glanced at the Korean conflict. 一节只简单提到朝鲜战争的历史课
- Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India. 佛教是佛陀创始于印度北部之宗教。
- Some young people study Zen Buddhism or Bahai. 有些年轻人研究禅宗佛教或伊斯兰巴哈教派的教义。
- Mr White has converted to Buddhism. 怀特先生已改信佛教。
- He devoted his life to preach Buddhism. 他献身于宣扬佛教。
- That man has a strong belief in Buddhism. 那个男子虔诚地信仰佛教。
- Taekwondo has roots in ancient Korean martial arts. 跆拳道源于韩国古代武术。
- We demand a Buddhism that honors our myths. 我们要一种推崇那些神话的佛教。
- Mark: Yeah. The Korean girl. Are you guys in a rut? 马克:是啊。那韩国女孩子。你们在一起已经没意思了吗?
- In buddhism they symbolise wisdom. 而在佛教中,孔雀则象征着智慧。
- The Korean war touched off scarebuying in 1951. 年韩战引起了抢购。
- Many people believe in Buddhism. 许多人信仰佛教。
- They declared a boycott against all Korean goods. 他们宣布一项对所有韩国货的联合抵制行动。
- Meditation as practiced in Zen Buddhism. 坐禅象禅宗佛教中习练的默想
- He urged all citizens to boycott Korean goods. 他呼吁所有民众联手抵制韩国货。
- Tibetan Buddhism stands high in Tibetan culture. 藏传佛教在藏文化中占有崇训的地位。
- Korean chopsticks are generally made of metal. 韩国筷子通常都是用金属做的。
- He is a pious adherent of Buddhism. 他是一位虔诚的佛教徒。
- Luo Shengjiao gave his life to save a Korean child. 罗盛教牺牲自己拯救朝鲜小孩。