- Korea Trade Ports 韩国贸易港口
- Back in the Tang and Song dynasties, Shanghai functioned as China's key foreign trade port and had mercantile ties with Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia. 早在唐宋时期上海便是中国的外贸重镇,与日本、朝鲜和东南亚各国之间有商贸关系。
- It is an important trade port and a gateway of overseas Chinese. 它是对外贸易和华侨出入的重要港口。
- Wuzhou, Nanning and Longzhou were the most important foreign trade ports in Guangxi in modern times. 摘要近代梧州、南宁、龙州三海关是广西最重要的对外贸易口岸,在我国近代对外贸易中占有一席之地。
- They have gained access to that country's trading ports. 他们已经获得了进入那个国家贸易港口的权利。
- There are several type of ports in the game. The primary trade ports are goods, ore, organics and energy ports. As a trader these are your income source ports. 游戏中的港口分为几种不同种类。主要的贸易港口是货物,矿石,有机物,和能量港口。作为商人这些是你的收入来源港口。
- Lata all border trade ports by the State General Administration of Customs and the approval of the Autonomous Region People's Government, in September 26, 1999 opening. 都拉塔口岸边民互市经国家海关总署和自治区人民政府批准,于1999年9月26日开业。
- Dalian port is one of national chief foreign trade port, and strives to become international shipping center. 大连港口是我国主要的对外贸易口岸之一,并正在逐步成为国际性航运中心。
- According to location, transportation and hinterland, an obvious hierarchy of spatial structure exisits in boundary trade port group. 由于区位、通条件的差异性,口岸群的空间结构具有明显的层次性,并在边贸业迹上有所表现。
- After the arrival of the Portuguese, Macao became the earliest trade port to Europe and became the Chinese important door that imported Negroes. 葡萄牙人东来之后,澳门成为最早对欧洲开放的贸易港口,也因此成为中国输入黑人的重要门户。
- The Korea Trade Promotion Corporation 原是大韩贸易促进委员会
- Go to Hekou:Hekou is a trade port between China and Vietnam.I planned to go to Hekou probably as I cherish the memory in the edge of Guangxi. 前往河口 河口是个云南的中越贸易口岸,可能是还在怀念广西边境的缘故,打算去河口。
- Korea Trade Promotion Corporation 大韩贸易振兴公司
- Under Arab rule from the 17th century, Zanzibar was a prosperous trading port. 17世纪阿拉伯人统治时期为一繁荣的贸易港;
- As early as in the Tang and Song dynasties, Shanghaifunctioned as a foreign trade port in East China and had mercantile ties with Japan, Koreaand Southeast Asia. 早在唐宋时期上海便是中国东部的一座外贸商镇,与日本、朝鲜和东南亚各国之间有着商贸关系。
- Basuo port belong to the deepwater natural harbor and the national first-class port which is the early important trade port opening to the outside world in Hainan province. 八所港属深水天然良港、国家一类口岸,是海南省对外开放较早的重要贸易口岸。
- There are two first-grade trading ports of the State, namely Hekou and Jinshuihe. 红河哈尼族彝族自治州,除汉族外,世居着哈尼、彝、苗、傣、壮、瑶、回、拉轱、布依9个少数民族。
- Korea is separated from China by the Yalu River. 朝鲜和中国只有鸭绿江一水之隔。
- After the Opium War in Yingkou in northeast into the first trading ports, it was entirely due to the northeast in the coastal trade. 鸦片战争后营口成为东北第一个通商口岸,完全是由于它当时在东北沿海贸易中的地位。
- On the "eclipse" side, the case is basically that every great trading port has its day. 另一方面,暗淡论的基本观点认为,每一个大的贸易港口城市都有其辉煌的时期。