- Konrad Wirnhier 维恩希尔, 维尔希尔
- In 1957 Konrad Adenauer was already 81 years old. 1957年,阿登那总理已经81岁。
- Soon enough, Konrad Curze saw a glimpse of salvation for his world. 很快的,康纳得`克兹就觉得自己已经救赎了他的世界。
- Konrad S,Tanyi J.Postparum hysterectomy.Orv Hetil,1996,137(21):1127. 马水清;边旭明;郎景和.;产科临床中的子宫切除术
- Charles de Gaulle held office until he was 78, Konrad Adenauer until he was 87. 康抗德阿登纳(译者 注:此君是联邦德国前总理)下台的时候已经87岁了。
- Konrad Zuse in Germany develops the first programmable calculator using binary numbers and boolean logic. 德国康拉德?祖萨开发第一台采用二进制和布尔逻辑的可编程计算机。
- In 1996, during those bookings and resident activities, he got to know Axel Konrad at one of his local gigs. 他的所有朋友和很多的歌迷都被他的那些装置吸引了,许多来自他住的那个地方的边缘地区的订货单很快就来了。
- Let me start by thanking the Konrad Adenauer Foundation for inviting me to this Conference. 首先,感谢阿登纳基金会邀请我出席此次研讨会。
- X-ray were first discovered by a German scientist, Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen, in 1895, almost by accident. X射线是一八九五年由德国科学家W.;K
- One day, when Konrad is a big boy, he comes here, reads these words, the steps of time will stay.... 希望有一天,大宝乖长大了,识字了,我们也老了,闲了。再来这里阅读,让时间的脚步在这里停留!
- X-rays were first discovered by a German scientist, Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen, in 1895, almost by accident. 光首先是被德国科学家伦琴于1895年差不多是偶然发现的。
- Mrs Merkel is only the second German chancellor to address Congress since Konrad Adenauer in 1957. 默克尔是第二位的德国总理康拉德阿登纳处理自1957年美国国会。
- One day Axel Konrad and Ole Wirk stood there and asked me if Id like to do a recording in the studio. 一天AxelKonrad和OleWirk站在我面前问我是否愿意去录音室录歌曲。
- Konrad Steffen of the University of Colorado, Boulder, leads one study of the Greenland ice sheet. 位于博尔德的科罗拉多州大学的KonradSteffen先生负责一项格陵兰冰原项目研究。
- The first was Konrad Adenauer when he addressed both Houses of Congress in 1957, albeit one after the other. 第一位是克拉得-阿登诺,他在1957年先后对参众两院发表演讲。
- Twenty-five years ago, Konrad Lorenz and the scientists Karl von Frisch and Nikolaas Tinbergen were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine. 25年前,康拉德·洛伦兹与科学家卡尔·冯·弗里希和尼古拉斯·丁伯根一同荣膺诺贝尔医学生理学奖。
- But after the remains were delivered to nearby Innsbruck, Austria, Konrad Spindler, an archaeologist from the university there, ascertained that the corpse was prehistoric. 由于当地的冰河交错著裂缝,每年都会有登山客陷入其中而失踪,警方以为,那具尸体就是其中之一。
- Represented were established wineries such as Babich, Cloudy Bay and Montana and relative newcomers such as Oyster Bay, Olssens and Konrad &Co Wines. 其中有巴比琪、云湾和蒙大拿,还有比较新的葡萄酒厂如牡蛎湾、奥尔森斯和康拉德联营公司。
- KONRAD MIEHLE.A New linearization method for cancellation of third order distortion,Charlotte USA,The University of North Carolina,2003. 毛文杰.;基于预失真技术的射频功率放大器线性化研究[D]
- Operation Konrad got under way with a night attack on New Year's Day, which initially caught the Soviet XXXI Rifle Corps by surprise. 新年的晚上“南风计划”开始了,这使得苏军第31步兵军十分慌乱。