- OR-18550R-1855
- 布鲁斯,戴维1855-1931澳大利亚医生和细菌学家,因解释了引起波型热或布氏杆菌病的细菌(1887年)而闻名American political leader who was the first Black politician to serve a full term in the U.S. Senate(1875-1881).
- 葛赉恩与东吴大学校园文化建设(1911-1922)Cline and the Campus Culture Construction of Suzhou University(1911-1922)
- 经过多年斗争他于1911在中国创建了第一个共和国。He founded the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years'fighting.
- 高斯,卡尔 弗雷德里希1777-1855德国数学家和天文学家,因其对代数、微积分几何、或然率理论和数字理论的贡献而为人称道German mathematician and astronomer known for his contributions to algebra, differential geometry, probability theory, and number theory.
- 高斯,卡尔·弗雷德里希1777-1855德国数学家和天文学家,因其对代数、微积分几何、或然率理论和数字理论的贡献而为人称道。Gauss, Karl Friedrich1777-1855 German mathematician and astronomer known for his contributions to algebra, differential geometry, probability theory, and number theory.
- 晚清时期圣母圣心会在内蒙古地区传教活动研究(1865-1911)The Research of Catholicism in the Inner Mongolia Preach Activity during the Late Qing Dynasty (1865-1911)
- 高斯,卡尔·弗雷德里希1777-1855德国数学家和天文学家,因其对代数、微积分几何、或然率理论和数字理论的贡献而为人称道German mathematician and astronomer known for his contributions to algebra, differential geometry, probability theory, and number theory.
- 《中国的空间策略》一书呈现出对明清中国(1420~1911)首都之社会空间的研究。Chinese Spatial Strategies presents a study of social spaces of the capital of Ming Qing China (1420-1911).
- 蒙古人和满族人的入侵先后建立了元朝(1279-1368)和清朝(1644-1911)的统治。These invasions Brought about the rule by the Mongols and by the Manchus during the Yuan and Qing dynasties respectively
- 杜克,本杰明·牛顿1855-1929美国烟草工业领袖,与其弟杰姆士·布坎南·杜克组建美国烟草公司并出资捐助三一学院,为纪念他们,三一学院更名为杜克大学American tobacco-industry leader who with his brother James Buchanan Duke(1856-1925) organized the American Tobacco Company(1890) and endowed Trinity College, which was renamed Duke University in their honor(1924).
- 作为一门独立的表演艺术,中国舞蹈发展到明(1386-1644)、清(1644-1911)呈衰落趋势As an independent art form, Chinese dance declined in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties.
- 加尔东,弗朗西斯1822-1911英国科学家,他的书遗传本质(1869年)奠定了优生学的基础British scientist whose book Hereditary Genius(1869)laid the foundations for the science of eugenics.
- 狭蚤属(Stenoponia J. et R., 1911)一新种记述(Siphonaptera: Hystrichopsyllidae)A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS STENOPONIA J. et R.,1911 (SIPHONAPTERA: HYSTRICHOPSYLLIDAE)
- 加尔东,弗朗西斯1822-1911英国科学家,他的书遗传本质(1869年)奠定了优生学的基础。British scientist whose book Hereditary Genius(1869) laid the foundations for the science of eugenics.
- 加尔东,弗朗西斯1822-1911英国科学家,他的书遗传本质(1869年)奠定了优生学的基础British scientist whose book Hereditary Genius(1869)laid the foundations for the science of eugenics.
- 史密斯,汉娜 惠尔塔尔1832-1911美国宗教预言家、作家和改革家,1874年创建了基督教妇女克制联盟Scottish political economist and philosopher. His Wealth of Nations(1776) laid the foundations of classical free-market economic theory.
- 该奖以匈牙利裔美国报纸出版商的瑟夫.普利策(1847-1911)的名字命名,是根据他的遗愿而设立的。Named after Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911), the Hungarian-born US newspaper publisher, the prizes were established by Pulitzer's will.