- Koeleria cristata (艹洽)草
- Koeleria cristata(L.) 洽草种子
- Retinia cristata is a kind of shoot and fruit pest damaged pine trees in China. 松实小卷蛾是对我国松属植物造成严重危害的一种蛀梢、蛀果害虫。
- Effect of High Altitude Balloon Flight on Seed Yield and Fatty Acid Composition in Seed Oil of Celosia cristata L. 高空气球飞行对鸡冠花籽粒产量及籽油脂肪酸组分的影响。
- Effect of High Altitude Environment on the Antioxidation of Water Extract from Celosia cristata L. 高空环境条件对鸡冠花抗氧功能的影响。
- Study on extraction and physico-chemical properties of pigment from Celosia Cristata L. 鸡冠花叶色素的提取及理化性质研究。
- In this paper.the method and technological process are discussed for extracting red pigment from Cel.osia Cristata L. 介绍了以鸡冠花为原料,提取其红色素的方法及工艺流程。
- In the meantime, as a traditional Chinese medicine, Celosia cristata L. is usually used as a kind of treatment for... 但作为中药材,鸡冠花仍局限于治疗止血、止带等妇科失血症,而且临床用量逐年减少。鸡冠花药用价值的开发问题值得进一步讨论。
- North American bird (Cyanocitta cristata) having a crested head, predominantly blue plumage, and a harsh, noisy cry. 蓝松鸦:一种北美洲产的鸟类(冠蓝鸦),头有羽冠,羽毛主要为蓝色,喜叫,声音刺耳
- The results of comprehensive evaluation indicated that Retinia cristata was middle risk pe... 通过此综合评估,认为松实小卷蛾在我国属中度危险性的森林有害生物。
- Title: Preliminary Study on Vitrification and Its Control in Isolated Culture of Celosia cristata L. 关键词:鸡冠花;离体培养;玻璃化;控制
- Separation and Identification of Fatty Acid in the Seed Oils of Two New Species of Celosia Cristata L. 两个新品种鸡冠花籽油脂肪酸组分的分离鉴定。
- An annual plant(Celosia cristata) widely cultivated for its showy, fan-shaped or plumelike clusters of red or yellow flowers. 鸡冠花一种一年生植物(鸡冠花青葙属),因有艳丽的扇形或羽毛状红色或黄色花束而广泛栽培
- Effect of sugar and nitrogen on the callus growth and anthocyanin accumulation in celosia cristata was studied in the paper. 研究不同碳源和氮源对鸡冠花愈伤组织生长及花色素苷积累的影响。
- Celosia cristata L. is a traditional medicinal plant, containing several nutrition and other biological activated substance like flavone. 鸡冠花是一种传统的药用植物,其植株中含有多种营养素和黄酮类生物活性物质。
- Objective: To investigate the effect of high altitude environment condition on the antioxidation of water extracts fromCelosia cristata L. 探讨高空环境条件对鸡冠花抗氧化功能的影响。
- It may comfort you to know that star-nosed moles (Condylura cristata) are small animals, tipping the scales at a mere 50 grams, about twice the weight of a mouse. 先知道以下事实,读者可能会安心些:星鼻鼹是小型动物,只能让磅秤的指针倾斜为50公克,大约是小鼠的两倍。
- Celosia cristata L. [医] 鸡冠花
- Celosia cristata var. pyramidalis 鸡冠花
- Celosia cristata var.Pyramidalis 鸡冠花