- Kodama Kanji 儿玉宽次(1934-),日本人,工会负责人。
- Example:A Chinese ideogram or a Japanese Kanji. 例如汉语的表意字或日语汉字。
- Wikipedia tells me that they are called kodama. 还有那些摇头晃脑的小树精当然也无伤大雅。
- Can you tell me how to read this kanji? 请教给我这个汉字的读音。
- There are also a few Kanji quizzes. 另外也有汉字小考。
- Japanese has borrowed most of their Kanji form Chinese. 很多日语汉字都是源于汉语。
- Matches ideographic characters, such as Han and Kanji. 匹配表意文字字符,如汉字和日文汉字。
- Keiko became green with envy when she saw kanji talking to Junko. 惠子看见建二和纯子说话时吃醋了。
- Gives detailed information about Kanji currently on clipboard. 获得关于当前剪贴板里里汉字的详细信息。
- Sassi: It's that Kanji that looks similar to "green", right? 是那个和“绿”看起来差不多的字,对吧?
- What is difference between Chinese characters and Kanji ? 中国汉字与日本当用汉字的区别在哪里?
- Chinese Characters (Hanzi Kanji): the ideographical language ... 中国中华华夏汉字象形文字象形文字历史五千年朝代王朝秦汉汉朝秦汉唐宋元明清高清晰China Chinese character ideograph ideographical language Hanzi Kanji 5000 five thousands years history Dynasty Qin...
- Then there is kanji, which has some 7,000 characters. 另外一种日本字母叫做Kanji,由7000个字母组成。
- Students learn approximately 80 Kanji characters in this course. 学生们在本门课大约可学到80个汉字。
- This course is aimed at mastering the 4,000 basic words and 800 basic kanji. 在口头表达上,分角色进行会话练习及个人、小组的意见交流,以掌握基础语汇4000个,基础汉字800个左右为目标。
- The kanji are a complex ideographic writing system stolen from China. 汉字是从中国借鉴的复杂的表意字符书写体系。
- On the lst of june next, the copartnership for the past ten year existing between h. onoda and k. kodama, will be dissolve. 由小野田八郎与儿玉幸吉先生所组织的长达10年之久的公司,将在6月1日解散。
- English: Gives detailed information about Kanji currently on clipboard. 在剪贴板里取得目前关于汉字的细节资讯。
- Kazuo Kodama said that Medvedev would not want this issue left over to the next generation to solve. 儿玉和夫称,梅德韦杰夫表示不希望将这个问题遗留给下一代解决。
- But yes, back to the point, the movie itself was just so much better with the kodama dotted throughout. 但是,话说回来,影片本身却因为那几个零星的树精而恰到火候。