- Kobresia tunicatan. 玉龙嵩草
- Kobresia humilis often form "loop" genet with increasing age of clonal genet. 随着无性系株丛年龄的增大,矮嵩草常形成"环"状株丛。
- Any of some 2,000 species (chordate subphylum Tunicata, or Urochordata) of small marine invertebrates that are abundant worldwide. 2,000多种小型海洋无脊椎动物(脊索动物门被囊动物亚门或尾索动物亚门),大量存在于世界各地。
- Few researches had been conducted on Kobresia meadow in Mt.Helan region.Based on investigation of sampling plots, alpine meadow in Mt. 摘要在群落调查的基础上,对贺兰山高山草甸进行数量分析。
- All of this study proved that phenological index was a good quantitative standard to show phenological pattern of alpine Kobresia humilis meadow. 研究结果表明,物候指数是说明高寒矮嵩草草甸物候模式的一个有用指标。
- I found from the Internet:the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau fit to plant Kobresia pygmaea, Carex pseudo foelide,Stipa purea, etc. 我从网上查到:青藏高原适合种植高山蒿草,无味苔草,紫花针茅等植物。
- Any of various chordate marine animals of the subphylum Tunicata or Urochordata having a cylindrical or globular body enclosed in a tough outer covering and including the sea squirts and salps. 被囊动物属于尾索亚门或囊亚门的各种脊索类海生动物中的一种,身体呈圆形或球形,包在坚硬的壳中,这动物包括海鞘和萨尔帕属的背囊动物
- The numbers and aboveground diomass of every module of Kobresia humilis under different grazing intehsity(0, 2.4, 8 Tibetan sheep/hm2 ) were studied in Alpine Meadow. 对放牧强度分别为0、2、4、8(藏羊只/hm2)的矮嵩草无性系各构件数量和地上生物量进行了研究。
- Zhou Xingmin,Zhang Songlin.Change state of community structure and biomass in fenced area of Kobresia humilis meadows[J].Acta Biological Plateau Sinica,1986,(5):1-6. [6]周兴民;张松林.;矮嵩草草甸在封育条件下群落结构和生物量变化的初步观察[J]
- Alpine meadow of Kobresia pygmaea 高山嵩草草甸
- Keywords slime;tunicata;microbicide;enzyme preparation; 腐浆;荚膜细菌;杀菌剂;酶制剂;
- Alpine Kobresia parva(Nees) Wang et Tang ex Y.C.Yang meadow 高寒小嵩草草甸
- Effects of different grazing intensity on green-up of Kobresia humilis meadow 不同放牧强度对矮嵩草草甸群落返青的影响
- Classification of Kobresia fragilis C. B. Clarke(Cyperaceae) and related taxa 囊状嵩草(莎草科)及相关类群的分类
- The growth response of Kobresia humili clone on different stocking intensity 矮嵩草无性系对不同放牧强度的生长反应
- Studies on underground biomass of moderate degradation of Kobresia capillifolia grassland in Qinghai Lake area 青海湖地区中度退化线叶嵩草型草地地下植物量的研究
- Seasonal Variation in Photosynthesis of Kobresia humilis Population and Community Growth at Haibei Alpine Meadow 高寒草甸矮嵩草种群光合作用及群落生长季节变化
- Seasonal variation of antioxidants in Kobresia humilis and its relation to solar radiation in Xi'ning 矮嵩草抗氧化物质含量的季节变化及与太阳辐射的关系
- Study on Ramet Modular of Kobresia humilis clonal under Different Stocking Intensity in Alpine Meadow 不同放牧强度下高寒草甸矮嵩草无性系分株构件的研究
- Study on Underground Phytomass of Heavily Degraded Kobresia capillifolia Grassland in Qinghai Lake Area 环湖草原重度退化线叶嵩草型草地一年内地下植物量变化研究