- Kjell Rodian 罗迪安
- Kjell Magnusson, Dag Kroslid, Bo Bergman. Six Sigma: the pragmatic approach (Second edition). Studentlitteratur, 2003. 马林主编,六西格玛管理,北京,中国人民大学出版社,2004
- The more the merrier? The effect of family size and birth order on children's education By: Black, Sandra E.; Devereux, Paul J.; Salvanes, Kjell G. 越多越好?家庭大小与出生顺序对子女教育的影响。
- The Imperials also wiped out the local Rodian mercenaries and Jawa clans, both of which competed with the Empire for the planet's most valuable materials. 帝国还消灭了当地的罗迪亚雇佣兵和加哇部落,因为他们会跟帝国争夺这颗星球上最宝贵的资源。
- Though the terms Rodian and Rodia were first developed for the Expanded Universe in a roleplaying sourcebook in 1989, the name stuck, and saw its way into production for the prequel trilogy. 罗迪亚人和罗迪亚星在1989年衍生宇宙角色扮演游戏资料书中首次出现,这个名字沿用下来,一直到它进入前传三部曲的制作。
- A Device for Detecting the Rodian of the Brush Holder of Wound-Rotor Motors of YZR Range YZR系列绕线转子电机刷握弧度检测装置
- El Hassan Hamdani and Kjell B. D?ving Division of General Physiology, Department of Biology, PO Bo 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- Trond Fjeseth, Kjell Midling and Zhang Zhaohui. Practical experience from offshore fish farming in China, World Aquaculture Conference 2002.4, Beijing 张朝晖。深海网箱养殖技术,第4届全国海珍品养殖技术研讨会论文集,2002.;7,青岛
- " According to his sketches, the Rodian masks were at one time to fit a four-armed body, which would eventually be known as a Morseerian (his sketches call it a "Plutonian"). 根据他的草图,罗迪亚头套有段时间是套在一个四只手的身体上,但在拍摄前调换了头部。
- Kjellén 谢伦
- Kjelléns 谢伦斯
- Kjell 谢尔
- Johan Rudolf Kjellén 克吉伦(1864-1922),瑞典人,政治科学家、政治家。