- Kishi Koma 岸驹(1756-1838),日本人,画家。
- Koma lives in the attic of a house. 可玛是只年轻又善良的猫,可玛住在一间房子的阁楼里。
- But Koma's most favorite thing is her doll. 但可玛最喜欢的东西是她的娃娃。
- Koma works hard trying to make a movie of her doll. 可玛很努力,想帮她的娃娃拍一部电影。
- Mr Abe's grandfather was Nobusuke Kishi. 安倍的外祖父是岸信介。
- Kishi : Actually I didn't want to. 但是集英社叫我以关于的某事做他们。
- Wang, M.F., Kishi, K., Takahashi, T. 井上五郎,岸恭一,王铭富,渡边弘子(1982/9)。
- Kishi is Mr.Abe's grandfather and political role model. 岸信介是安倍晋三的外祖父兼政坛榜样。
- Kishi : He lives..............................in your heart. 岸本:他........在你们心中。
- Koma,I won't cry because you are in my heart.I'll be loving BEYOND forever. 不是每一种声音都可以叫做音乐,不是每一支乐队都叫做BEYOND.
- Shinzo Abe’s grandfather in childhood is Nobusuke Kishi’s side spent. 安倍晋三的童年基本上是在外祖父岸信介的身边度过的。
- The firm had to axe all staff at Kishi station in western Japan two years ago. 2年前,和歌山电铁公司不得不裁撤位于日本西部的贵志车站所有工作人员。
- Now in koma situation... dunno can repair or not... no $ buy new also... no phone no live la! 最近大家似乎都过得很好哦,忙读书考试,忙工作,忙恋爱...而我又在干什么呢?
- Kishi : Actually I didn't want to.But Shueisha ordered me to do with something about them. 综合来看,这场战斗会不会发生还真的是一个定数。
- You said you're gonna write about Sasuke, Kakashi and Sakura. What about Naruto? Kishi : Naruto has to wait. 你讲你说要写关于佐助、卡卡西和小樱。那鸣人怎样呀?
- As a former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi’s grandson, Prime Minister Abe to the future, Japan is bound by domestic and foreign attention. 作为前首相岸信介的外孙,安倍首相今后的走向,势必受到日本国内外的普遍关注。
- As prime minister in 1960 Kishi strengthened Japan's alliance with America, arguing that it was in Japan's national interest to do so. 在1960作为首相加强了美日同盟,并强调是日本的国家利益要求这么做。
- One of his strongest backers was Nobusuke Kishi, a prime minister in the late 1950s who had been a Class A war criminal suspect but was never charged. 1950年代晚期担任日本首相、也是未遭控告的甲级战犯嫌疑人岸信介,支持帕尔最力。
- In 1952, Nobusuke Kishi released from prison soon preaching to vigorously rearming, to build the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. 1952年,岸信介获释,刚一出狱就大力鼓吹重整军备、再建“大东亚共荣圈”。
- Shinzo Abe succeeded Nobusuke Kishi, “using Taiwan to contain China,” the political philosophy, and with Japan-”to help Taiwan” closely related. 安倍晋三继承了岸信介“以台制华”的政治理念,并素与日本“台湾帮”关系密切。