- Kirsten Muenchow 基尔斯滕·穆恩乔夫
- They will look to Oliver Bierhoff and Ulf Kirsten. 因此他们将希望寄托在比埃尔霍夫和基尔斯滕身上。
- Furey Amy.Steel Adrienne.King Kirsten. 主演 沃尔特.;戈尼 John
- I love Bayer 04 Leverkusen!I love Ulf Kirsten! 永远支持尤文图斯、拉科、切尔西!
- Perfect outfit. Very Kirsten Dunst meets South Beach. 衣服真好看。很有克尔斯滕·邓斯特在南湾的味道。
- Kirsten Heimann at Queensland's James Cook University developed the technology. 藻类经过处理后还能用来制造生物柴油、肥料和饲料。
- Kirsten Dunst, Kristen Bell, Lindsay Lohan (not mamas but still loving us! 柯尔斯滕.;邓斯特,克里斯汀
- Kirsten plays tennis champion, Lizzie Bradbury, who falls for the tennis failure, Peter Colt. 克里斯滕在影片中扮演网球冠军丽兹&%238226;布拉德伯里,她爱上了球场失意的彼得&%238226;
- Kirsten:There's no way you could know everything about another person, that's what keeps it interesting. 我们不可能了解另一个人的全部,但亦正因如此,相处才有意思。
- Kirsten Dunst and Paul Bettany serve up some serious love, on and off the court, in Wimbledon. 克里斯滕%2526%238226;邓斯特和保罗%2526%238226;贝坦尼在这部电影中演绎了一段在网球场内外上演的爱情故事。
- I brought Kirsten home today. I snapped this shot just before getting on the elevators to get the van. 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。
- On her moans increased.He suddenly wanted kirsten dunst nude to soundbig headed but he. 留言内容: I am madonna nude impressed; ever done it became a better look.
- A few months ago, Kirsten - Bell and Thomas also said he was open like this series, hope to film. 中英文对照:几个月前,克里斯滕-贝尔和托马斯也公开表示很喜欢这部连续剧,希望可以拍成电影。
- Kirsten said, ‘It was terrible, but at the same time funny because who would have thought of doing it that way? 须清除上述网站内任何关于异见团体、人权组织和敏感政治问题的资讯。
- But Kirsten MacLeod, operational director of financial recruiter ECHM, pointed out that ACAs also needed to think about where their career was heading in the long term. 同时,他还表示:“如果会计事务所和公司想要留住所需要的人才,那么它们必须确保它们的薪金水平不仅仅是在本部门而且在整个行业内都保持竞争力的。”
- Liu Yang (keys) and Kirsten Melby-Thompson (Violin/Vocals) took the line up to seven members and developed the sound to beautiful new heights. 至此乐队人员多达了7人也正式定型。
- Seth's mother, Kirsten, is the head of residential development for The Newport Group, a real-estate company, and is selling the house. 但翌日高申及华恩便与玛莎的男友胡洛发生争执,更大打出手,与奥兰治县的富家子结下仇怨。
- Exhausted shoppers Kirsten Pope and Andrew Fritch take a break in the center court at the Park City Mall in Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 27. Lancaster Intelligencer-New Era / Richard Hertzler力竭购物基尔斯滕教皇和安德鲁弗里奇采取在中心法庭在公园城购物中心在兰开斯特,宾夕法尼亚州,11月27日中断。
- Kirsten Kennedy, housing director at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, says all first-year undergraduates there have to live in a dorm. Kirsten Kennedy是哥伦比亚南加利福尼亚大学的宿管主任,称那里所有第一年的本科生需要住在宿舍里。
- Now that Ryan's mother has abandoned Ryan and moved away, Sandy has no choice but to accede to Kirsten's wishes and remand Ryan to Social Services. 华恩的妈妈突然失踪,高诚无奈听从姬思的意愿,准备把华恩送走。