- Row Action Method for Kirchhoff Equations 基尔霍夫方程组行处理法
- I could never do simultaneous equations. 我从来不会算联立方程式。
- Kirchhoff equations [化] 基尔霍夫方程组
- Dirac was unwilling to discard his equations. 狄刺克不愿意抛弃他的方程。
- The branch of algebra that deals with quadratic equations. 二次方程式论处理二次方程式的代数学的分支
- These constraints are summarized by Kirchhoff's laws. 这些强制的约束关系可总结为基尔霍夫定律。
- That leads to biquadratic equations for solution. 它们又引出待解的双二次方程。
- The absorption isotherms are equilibrium equations. 吸附等温线是平衡方程式。
- We now write two equilibrium equations for joint D. 现在列出节点D的两个平衡方程。
- Some quadratic equations have no real roots. 某些二次方程没有实数根。
- The Kirchhoff theory has held up remarkably well under this kind of scrutiny. 这种详尽的研究也对基尔霍夫理论提供了很好的支持。
- The equations generated, however, are not linear. 但所形成的方程不是线性的。
- In the equations and logics that lead to reason. 不管是方程式或逻辑学都引导我们去思考。
- Connect the equations with the right items. 用直线连接相应的等量关系和方程。
- Solve the following system of two equations. 解下面这个由两个方程所组成的方程组。
- The following equations can be written. 可以写出下面的公式。
- Not all reactions have such simple rate equations. 并非所有反应都具有这种简单的速度方程式。
- degenerate Kirchhoff equation 退化的Kirchhoff方程
- These equations are interval linear equations. 该控制方程是线性区间方程组。