- Kinugasa Hayao 衣笠骏雄(1915-),日本人,陆军军官。
- Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo in 1941. 1941年宫崎骏出生于日本东京。
- We nodded Hayao, Beigongquxi, sowing dissension, Yingyinggougou. 我们点头哈腰、卑躬屈膝、挑拨离间、蝇营狗茍。
- Skilled animators at the Disney Corporation,with whom Ghibli recently set up a partnership, have acknowledged their debt to Hayao Miyazaki. 最近迪斯尼公司与吉卜力工作室建立了合作关系,该公司技术高超的漫画家对宫崎骏的贡献也感叹不已。
- Though he is not well-known outside Asia, Hayao Miyazaki is a household name in his homeland. 尽管他在非亚洲国家的名气并不响,但在他的国家,宫崎骏可是家喻户晓。
- Hayao Miyazaki's music partner, Joe Hisaishi, this has reached the pinnacle of his career in music. 宫崎骏的音乐搭档久石让,这次也达到了他配乐生涯的顶峰。
- Hayao Miyazaki its animation thought connotation, more than 40 for years seeps to world each corner. 宫崎骏将它的动画思想内涵,四十多年来渗透到全世界的各个角落。
- Also lets us through the brief analysis Hayao Miyazaki's animation understand Japan's nationality and the values well. 通过浅析宫崎骏的动画也让我们更好地了解日本的国民性和价值观。
- At same day's red blanket ceremony, the people saw Japanese animation Master Hayao Miyazaki surprised. 在当天的红毯仪式上,人们惊讶地看到了日本动画大师宫崎骏。
- Italian actress Stefania Sandrelli and the Japanese animation director Hayao Miyazaki will be presented with special Golden Lion awards. 意大利女演员斯黛芬妮·桑德雷莉和日本动画导演宫崎骏将在本届电影节上被授予金狮荣誉奖。
- In August 2005, Mr Toshio Suzuki of Studio Ghibli came with Mr Hayao Miyazaki to talk with me and my son (who controls the trust which owns the Earthsea copyrights). 在2005年的8月,吉卜力工作室的铃木敏夫先生和宫崎吾朗先生一起前来拜访我和我儿子(掌管地海版权的信用)。
- One of the country's most popular animators Hayao Miyazaki, has produced some of the great classics of Japanese TV animation. (其中一位美国最受欢迎的动画画家宫崎骏,已经为日本电视动画片制作了一些伟大的经典之作。)
- Hayao Miyazaki and Joe Hisaishi create lots impressive movies. Then the movie theme songs are made to a suite of concert. 宫崎骏和久石让合作的电影中选取经典音乐片段,编配整合为组曲。
- Twenty or so years ago, Mr Hayao Miyazaki wrote me expressing interest in making an animated film based on the (then only three) books of Earthsea. 大约二十几年前,宫崎骏写信告诉我他有兴趣以地海(当时只有三本)为基础来制作一部动画片。
- Even though computers can save animators' time tremendously, Hayao Miyazaki intends to always use pencil, to deliver quality artwork. 即使电脑可以节省漫画家的时间大大,宫崎骏打算始终使用铅笔,提供优质的作品。
- Hayao Miyazaki is the prominent director of many popular animated feature films. He is also the co-founder of Studio Ghibli, an animation studio and production company. 宫崎骏制作了很多广为人知的优秀动画电影。同时,他也是吉卜力工作室(著名的动画工作室和制作公司)的创始人之一。
- Major customers include three fine Harbin Pharmaceutical, Hayao Plant, Kazakhstan Polytechnic University, Harbin Forestry University, has many years of breeding experience. 主要客户有哈尔滨三精药业、哈药总厂、哈理工大学、哈尔滨林业大学等,有多年养殖的经验。
- We were very disappointed, and also anxious, but we were given the impression, indeed assured, that the project would be always subject to Mr Hayao's approval. 我们非常失望并焦虑,但我们被给予了这个案子会随时在宫崎骏先生的批准下执行的确实印象。
- The animation movies produced by Hayao Miyazaki, the Japanese director and animator, are a major Oriental force to contend in the animation circle with those of Walt Disney Television Animation or DreamWorks Animation. 日本导演宫崎骏的动画片是能够和迪斯尼,梦工厂共分天下的一支重要东方力量。
- In Japan, Studio Ghibli used digital technology to enhance, for the first time, the rich hand-painted watercolor appearance of revered animator Hayao Miyazakis artwork in the animated production Princess Mononoke. 在日本,吉卜力工作室将首度用数字技术去加强动画大师宫崎骏作品《幽灵公主》里的手绘水彩画。