- Yang of the Sui Dynasty to the Gap operations, Swinger Gangnam, for the reunification of the world Sui Wendi Yang Jian (AD Wubayinian) set a Hanmagonglao. 隋代越国公杨素出峡作战,扫平江南,为隋文帝杨坚统一天下(公元五八一年)立下了汗马功劳。
- Merry Adventures of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty 《隋炀帝艳史》
- A Study of the Corps of Sui Dynasty 隋兵府考
- On the Regular Script of Sui Dynasty 隋代书法概论
- West Imperial Park of Sui dynasty 隋西苑
- the emperor Suiyangdi of Sui dynasty 隋炀帝
- Cliffside Sculptures of Sui Dynasty at Mount Yuhan in Jinan 济南玉函山隋代摩崖龛窟造像
- Space and Time are the Yin and Yang of programming. 道之初,带来了空间和时间,所以,空间和时间是编程的阴阳两极。
- The Grand Canal began to build in the Sui Dynasty. 大运河是在隋朝开始修建的。
- Filo and Jerry Yang of the old knowledge. 杨致远和费罗是旧识。
- Textual Researck on the Glass and Agate Chessmen of Sui Dynasty “隋琉璃、玛瑙围棋子”考辨
- Into the time of Sui County, zodiac state. 隋时仍名成安县,属相州。
- This is a stupa niche from the Sui Dynasty. 你看这是隋代的塔龛。
- Emperor Yang in the Sui Dynasty is not only a rare fatuous tyrant in Chinese history but also an outstanding poet. 摘要隋炀帝是中国历史上少有的昏暴之君,但在文学上却是一位杰出的诗人。
- Let me confirm, Am I speaking to Mr. Yang of ABC Company? 我确认一下,您是ABC公司的杨先生吗?
- From the Sui Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. 从隋朝到清朝。
- Bauhinia Court is the Ying and Yang of urban contrast. 中海豪庭形成了城市中的一处阴阳对比。
- A peasant uprising overthrew the Sui Dynasty and Yang Guang had to find eternal rest in a lonely tomb in Leitang. 一场农民大起义的风暴,摧毁了隋王朝,雷塘一座孤坟深埋了杨广残破的春梦。
- For the Duke of Sui, that was a much better reward than the pearls! 对隋侯爷来说,这是比珍珠更好的报答了!