- The English Learner's Guide to Chin. 中式英语之鉴。
- Tightening the screws too far risks goading Mr Kim to strike back. 施压过大的危险在于可能驱使金正日反击。
- But the retrusion of alveolar mandible led to chin protrusion. 前颅底和下颌骨发育正常,而下牙槽突代偿性后缩可导致成年腭裂患者的假性颏前突。
- It is no use asking Kim to go out with you; she only has eyes for Mark. 你邀请金和你出去是白请,她心目中只有马克。
- It's no use asking Kim to go out with you; she only has eyes for Mark. 你邀请金和你出去是白请,她心目中只有马克。
- It is no use asking Kim to go out with you ; she only has eyes for Mark . 你邀请金和你出去是白请,她心目中只有马克。
- His coat has been buttoned up to the chin. 他的外套钮扣扣到下巴。
- Mao advised Kim to be prepared for protracted guerrilla warfare and not to attempt to reunify Korea by force. 毛泽东则建议金日成为长期的游击战争做好准备而不要试图以武力统一朝鲜。
- And if you've ever used a too-strong blemish treatment only to find your face flaking from forehead to chin, you'll love this speedy healer. 或许你曾经用过一些过于强烈的痘痘治疗用剂,痘痘虽然好得差不多,可是脱皮现象却从前额蔓延到脸颊;要是你有过这样的经历,你肯定会爱上这支痘痘胶的。
- His wife loves to make chin music. 他的老婆最喜欢聊天。
- Mason orders a tactical team as Jack's backup, and he has the police bring Kim to CTU. 梅森命令派一个战术小队去做杰克的支援,叫警察将金姆送来反恐组。
- Jack grabs the dead man's walkie-talkie and takes Teri and Kim to the water tower. 杰克取走了死去这个的步话机,带着泰瑞和金姆向水塔处行进。
- "This term we finished reading Treasure Island. Next term we're going to do Tolstoy's Resurrection," Chuehmin said to Chin with a pleased smile as they walked down the steps. “我们这学期读完了《宝岛》,下学期就要读托尔斯泰的《复活》,”觉民对琴说,他的脸上现出得意的微笑,他们已经走出上房,刚下了石阶,向着他们的房间走去。
- The oaths passed with Mr Kim to the second generation, which holds all important posts of power. 这些誓言后来又传到第二代金正日那里,这第二代几乎占据了所有国家机器的权力。
- Britney was in NYC and kept texting Kim to hang out and go bowling or something. 布兰妮在纽约时还发消息约金出去打保龄球或干些其它的。”
- Tyson put in some telling blows to Tucker's chin. 泰森重击了塔克的下颚几拳。
- This article explores the circulation and collection of Chang Li anthology of every version from Sung to Chin dynasty, in the light of bibliog, and present collective condition. 依年代,由宋朝至清朝,分别罗列出其现存刻本特色及流传情形,并加注其目前图书馆收藏状况。
- It takes many years to learn to take life's blows on the chin. 人们需要经过许多年才能学会忍受生活中的各种打击。
- The same Chelsea new boy tried his luck from 25 yards a minute later, only for Dae Hwan Kim to punch unconvincingly, the ball skimming behind. 同样是这个切尔西在1分钟后在25码出远射尝试自己的运气,不过这仅仅让DaeHwanKim勉强将球击倒,这个球滑到了后面去了。
- He put some lather on his chin, and then began to shave. 他在下巴上涂了些肥皂泡沫,然后开始刮脸。