- On the Victory and Failure of the War Between Chu and Han. 浅论楚汉战争的成败。
- The manuscript bears the date 10 April 1937. 手稿上注著1937年4月10日。
- The River Han flows through Wuhan. 汉水穿过武汉奔流。
- The key to this question lies in overcoming Han chauvinism. 解决这个问题的关键是克服大汉族主义。
- Chu , H2F , Wang , L2Y and Han , H2X 2004. Fauna Sinica , Insecta , Vol. [朱弘复;王林瑶;韩红香;2004.;中国动物志;昆虫纲;第38
- Kim was going to be fine. We were having a baby. 金会一切顺利的,我们将有个小婴儿了。
- The Lugouqiao incident occured on July 7,1937. 芦沟桥事变发生于1937年7月7日。
- Ross: Oh-oh, Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger. 哦对了;还有亚历克.;鲍德温和金
- After a moment Chu Kuei-ying followed him out. 朱桂英跟着也就出去。
- On 8 13 1937, the Battle if Shanghai began. 1937年8月13日,淞沪会战爆发。
- Says Kim:"She completely freaked out. 金说:“她魂儿都吓掉了。
- Chen Yueh-ngo and Chu Kuei-ying were both there. 陈月娥和朱桂英都在。
- The Lugouqiao Incident broke out in 1937. 卢沟桥事变在1937年爆发。
- Chu Yinchiu sighed and turned to Chou Chung-wei. 朱吟秋松一口气,对周仲伟说道:
- But now he and Han Dan cried with unbridled joy. 但这一次,他和韩丹无拘无束快乐地叫了起来。
- The North Dakota Winter Show started in 1937. 北达科他的冬季秀始于1937年。
- Seeing him get up, Chu Yin-chiu followed suit. 朱吟秋也学着样。
- Kim was, as usual, joking about everything. 基姆还是和往常一样,拿什么事都开玩笑。
- This sad tale came from Chu Yin-chiu. 朱吟秋也来发牢骚了。
- The Lugouqiao incident occured on July 7, 1937. 芦沟桥事变发生于1937年7月7日。