- Kijia Choson 箕子朝鲜
- Much of your pain is self choson. 你大多数的痛苦是自己的选择。
- Oh, when was the Choson Kingdom founded? 哦,那古朝鲜是什么时候建立的呢?
- It is the seat of Choson University (founded 1946). 为朝鲜大学(建于1946)所在地。
- The noodles were made from corn and soybeans, the Choson Shinbo said. 朝鲜新报说,这种面条是用玉米和大豆制成的。
- Choson regarded Ming as a Chinese dynasty according to Zhu Xi's orthodox ideas while Qing as a barbarian one. 朝鲜作为儒教国家,儒家正统观对其影响甚大,而这种正统观对中朝关系的影响亦至深至大。
- According to legend, the god-king Tan-gun founded the Choson Kingdom in 2333 B.C. 传说中是大韩民族的始祖檀君于公元前二三三三年建立的。
- During the Imjin War,about the Nv-zhen nationality s issue Choson and Ming Dynasty adopted different steps. 壬辰战争期间,围绕女真问题,明朝和朝鲜采取了不同的政策和措施。
- Yeah, actually we celebrate it to commemorate the founding of the Choson Kingdom. 对啊,实际上是为了纪念古朝鲜的建立。
- In terms of both quality and quantity, the section given over to Choson dynasty ceramics is the most substantial one in the entire collection. 从质量和数量上来看,朝鲜时代的陶瓷是整个收藏中最充实的部分。
- Inorder to resolve some problems in the reality and political matters, Choson Korea took some steps to revere Ming and depreciate Qing. 他们对于正统论的论述,依从朱熹的思想,且只关心中国历史上王朝的正统性,而不关心其本国历史上王朝的正统性。
- In March, the Choson Sinbo said Kim Jong-il had also ordered the opened of the country's first Italian restaurant, with pizza on the menu. 据朝鲜新报报道,在三月,金正日下令开设了该国第一家意大利餐厅,向顾客提供比萨。
- In the fiftieth year of the reign of Emperor Yao, Tangun made the walled city of P\'yongyang the capital and called his country Choson. 在尧帝统治的第五十年,檀君定平壤为都城,称他的国家为朝鲜。
- Abstract: In terms of quantity and deversity, the importation of Chinese books to Korea during the Choson Dynasty surpassed the previous ages. 提 要: 朝鲜王朝从中国获取书籍的数量、种类超过了以往任何时期。
- The restaurant was opened with the help of a Singaporean company, according to the Choson Sinbo, a North Korean newspaper operating out of Japan. 来自在日本分部的韩国新报报道,这家快餐店的开业获得一家新加波公司的支持。
- The background, process, position and influence of the envoy diplomacy between Ming China and Choson Korea have been studied in seven parts in this article. 经济上,朝鲜对中国市场的依赖程度不断增强;中国传统思想文化对朝鲜产生了更加深刻的影响,成为朝鲜的主流文化。
- The envoys communications between Ming and Choson were the friendly bridges to keep both countries close connections in politics, economics, and culture fields. 在明代,朝鲜派往中国使臣1252次,平均每年4.;6次;中国派往朝鲜使臣153次,平均每年0
- Correct and objective comprehension about the related records has positive significance to both Choson history and ancient relationship between China and Choson. 准确、客观地认识其相关记载,无论对于朝鲜史,还是古代中朝关系都具有积极意义。
- The Sino-Korean relationship during Ming-Qing period has been regarded as a typical tributary relation,but Choson Korea took a totally different cultural attitude towards Ming and Qing dynasties. 明清时期的中朝关系一般被视为典型的朝贡关系,但在文化心态上,朝鲜一直采取尊明贬清的态度。