- On 24 March, Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt and Vice-Premier Madam Wu Yi held bilateral talks. 3月24日,总理钦纽将军与吴仪副总理进行了双边会谈。
- State media has reported Rangoon-based diplomats said Khin Nyunt, 64, the junta's third most senior general, was viewed as more reform-minded than his predecessor . 缅甸地方媒体报道,今年64岁的钦纽中将,是缅甸第三大政治派系的主席。外界认为,他的改革思想比前任总理要丰富。
- An unidentified Wa commanders during the meeting rhetorically asked, “How is it so easy for you to break the solemn promises given to us by your former leader General Khin Nyunt? 在会谈中,一个佤邦官员义正言辞的问责:你们凭什么这样轻易的否决你们前总理钦钮将军对我们的庄严承诺!
- During her visit, Madam Wu Yi paid a courtesy call on Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council, and held bilateral talks with Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt. 访问期间,吴仪女士会见了国家和平与发展委员会主席丹瑞大将,并与总理钦纽进行了双边会谈。
- Burma's military leader, General Than Shwe, has given up his post as prime minister to General Khin Nyunt, a reputed reformer, in a major Cabinet shake-up that has seen five ageing ministers retire. 在缅甸一次内阁大动荡中,有5名内阁部长退休,而缅甸军事领导人,丹瑞将军,也已经放弃了总理位。接任他职位的是钦纽中将,一名颇有威望的改革家。
- Military intelligence chief Khin Nyunt 军队情报首脑钦纽
- Myanmar Military intelligence chief Khin Nyunt 缅军情报首脑钦纽
- Myanmar military intelligence chief General Khin Nyunt 缅甸军情局长钦钮将军
- Khin Nyunt 钦纽
- Bey Logan: You were the stunt for Shek Khin, the villain, right? 贝根:你的特技石钦纽,坏人,对不对?
- Disciple Jui Khin Yeo is completing a book in Chinese, The Blessing Light of Medicine Guru Buddha. 弟子杨惟钦正在完成一本名为《药师佛恩光》的中文书。
- Disciple Jui Khin Yeo of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of Medicine Guru Buddha. 马来西亚,砂捞越,古晋的弟子杨惟钦提供了一个向药师佛十二大愿礼拜的仪轨。
- Disciple Jui Khin had sent in an article in Chinese explaining the meaning of my Supplication to the Great White Umbrella Mother-Buddha. 弟子惟钦传来一份解释我所敬造大白伞盖佛母启请颂的中文文章。
- Disciple Jui Khin sent me the second preface to his forthcoming book for preview. 弟子惟钦传给我他即将出版之书的第二个前言给我看。
- The location put off people from coming to my stall,” said trader Law Khin Koon, 41. 他对当局在选定搬迁地点时,竟没有考量到当地居民,而感到非常不满。
- Disciple Jui Khin had designed a card containing the mantra wheel as drawn by Patriarch Guru Nona and my calligraphy of the heart mantra of the Great White Umbrella Mother-Buddha. 弟子惟钦设计了一张含盖诺那祖师所画的大白伞盖佛母咒轮及我手书之心咒的卡片。
- Disciple Jui Khin wrote an article in Chinese entitled" Comprehending the Twelve Great Vows of Medicine Guru Buddha through Limitless Oneness. 弟子惟钦写了一篇〈无限的一体领会药师十二大愿〉中文作品。
- Upon disciple Jui Khin Yeo's request (see emails below) I had written in Chinese a Supplication to Medicine Guru Buddha. 应弟子杨惟钦之请(请看下面的电邮),我已写成一篇中文的药师琉璃光如来启请颂。
- He says the hearing took the whole day while the second and last witness from the defense side, Khin Moe Moe, testified and answered questions. 他说,听审花费了一整天的时间,第二名也是最后一名被告证人金莫莫提供了证词并回答了相关问题。
- As requested by disciple Jui Khin below, I had composed a supplication to the Protectress, the Great White Umbrella Mother-Buddha. 应弟子惟钦以下之提请,我已敬造了大白伞盖佛母的祈请颂。