- Practice of and Lessons from Keynesian Fiscal Policy 凯恩斯学派财政政策实践及借鉴
- Keynesian fiscal policy 凯恩斯主义财政政策
- And those who believe that the proactive fiscal policy to combat deflation is the most effective means of Keynesian. 而那些认为积极的财政政策是对抗通缩最有效手段的凯恩斯主义者也是如此。
- A fiscal policy of incurring budget deficits to stimulate a weak economy. 为刺激贫弱经济而引起预算赤字的财政政策
- Is Proactive Fiscal Policy Still Necessary? 继续实施积极财政政策是否必要?
- Equally, fiscal policy will be a prop. 同样的,财政政策也是一种工具。
- We are trying to get a thorough understanding of the government's fiscal policy. 我们正努力对政府的财政政策进行全面的了解。
- Again, Obama is trying to discover the chance of this crisis, orienting part of his Keynesian fiscal stimulus towards investment in alternative energy. 奥巴马再一次试图在危机中的发现转机,利用凯恩斯主义的财政措施吸引可替代能源的投资。
- Keynesian gross-demand theory is the foundation of macroeconomics. We apply dynamic IS-LM model to analyzing the mechanism of our country's active fiscal policy, qualitatively illustrating the effectiveness for our country to carry out this policy. 凯恩斯的总需求理论是宏观经济政策的理论基础,本文利用动态IS-LM模型分析了我国积极财政政策的作用机制,定性地说明了我国政府实施这一政策的有效性。
- However,fiscal policy has not only possible Keynesian effects,but also possible Non-Keynesian effects. The effects of fiscal policy are nonlinear,and the adjustment between fiscal revenue and fiscal expenditure is asymmetric. 在现实中,财政政策既具有凯恩斯效应也具有非凯恩斯效应,财政政策效应是非线性的,财政收支的调整过程也是非线性非对称的。
- The government has two basic strategies of fiscal policy available. 政府有两个可行的财政政策基本战略。
- Governments should use fiscal policy to stabilize the economy. 用财政使经济稳定。
- We need to continue to follow a prudent fiscal policy. 继续实行稳健的财政政策。
- The increase of taxation is an important fiscal policy. 增税是一项重要的财政政策。
- Now looser monetary and fiscal policy is speeding recovery. 如今更宽松的货币和财政政策正在加速经济复苏。
- For example, members might face constraints on their fiscal policy. 例如,成员国可能面临财政政策受约束的局面。
- China will maintain a "prudent" fiscal policy for the coming year. 中国在来年将继续一个“谨慎”的财政政策。
- Fiscal policies were being reviewed by the lawyers. 财政政策正在经律师评审。
- The objectives of monetary policy are the same as those of fiscal policy. 货币政策的目的和财政政策一样。
- Hence,China adopted aggressive fiscal policy and achieved great progress. 针对这种状况,我国实行积极的或扩张的财政政策取得了成效。