- Integrated control of Kermes castaneae 华栗绛蚧的综合防治技术
- Studies on the transmission and control of Kermes castaneae 华栗绛蚧传播方式与控制策略
- Kermes castaneae 华栗绛蚧
- Nutlets of Castaneae MollissimaeBlume. 板栗种仁
- The leaves of Castanea mollissima B1. 板栗叶
- Sphingidae, Macroglossinae - Acosmeryx castanea! ID 大蛾一只!
- Grafting Technique of Castanea mollssima with Quercus L. 栗与柞嫁接技术。
- Effects of the Ion Implantation on Castanea mallissime BL[J]. 引用该论文 项艳;刘正祥;胡蕙露;张良富.
- A Study on Mycorrhizal Container Nursery Technique of Castanea mollissima. 板栗菌根化容器育苗技术研究。
- Spatial Structure of Allozyme Frequencies in Castanea mollissima Bl. 中国板栗居群间等位酶基因频率的空间分布。
- A red dyestuff once prepared from the dried bodies of various female scale insects of the genus Kermes. 胭脂一种红色染料,曾是由胭脂虫属的有鳞屑的雌胭脂虫的干虫体制成
- Precocity and Floral Biology in Chinese chestnut Castanea mollossima BL. 板栗早实性与开花生物学。
- But unavoidably, the heart forms , what may melt rain , wrong wrong kermes button. 无奈心结,何堪化雨,错错胭脂扣。
- A finding report of insect pests on Castanea mollissima Blume in Zhejiang. 浙江省板栗害虫种类及其危害状况调查
- Castanea plants are of high genetic diversity and wide distribution. 栗属植物资源丰富,分布广泛。
- Allozyme diversity in Chines e,Seguin and American chestnut(Castanea spp.). Huang H(黄宏文);Dane F;Norton J D.
- With the spoondrifts from the River Thames, creating the multilayer vision enjoyment, like modern smoke, like the light kermes, it adds a shining color in you life. 用泰晤士河畔的柔美浪花,飞溅出古典的妩媚气息,营造出性感华丽的多层次视觉享受。象摩登的烟熏,象浅红的颊彩,给你增加一抹生活的亮彩。
- Boats on water, cruising in Royal Garden, green water, green trees, and you feel surprised by a sudden piece of red, just like kermes on fairy's face. 轻舟荡水,在御花苑的山水之中漫游,入眼都碧水、绿树,忽然一株桃红闪现在这一片绿中,仿佛仙女脸上的那一抹胭脂,顿时为它“惊艳”。
- The chemical control on Kermes nawae in Castanea mollissima 栗红蚧药剂防治试验
- Advances in the Study of Mineral Nutrients and Fertilization of Castanea mollissima BL. 板栗矿质营养与施肥研究进展。