- Keriya Shankou 克里雅山口,位于中国西藏自治区,新疆维吾尔自治区
- The development of population and economy in Keriya river basin bring large exploration of water and soil resources and significant influence on rive basin eco-environment. 克里雅河流域人口与经济发展而带来的水土资源开发利用程度的增加,对流域生态环境产生了重大的影响。
- In the hinterland of the Taklamakan Desert, The lower reaches of the Keriya River are called Daria-boyi, which means "riverside".The people who have lived here for generations are called the Keriyan. 在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地,克里雅和下游被称为"达里雅博依",意为"大河沿",世代居住在这里的人们就叫克里雅人。
- Some experiences in Shankou water complex construction 山口水利枢纽工程施工的几点经验
- Experimeat of mobile bed model for Shankou flood protection dike 山口防洪堤工程动床模型试验研究
- Shandong Shankou Sino- Japan Japanese Language Scholl 山东山口中日合作日语学校
- Application of Vacuum Delivery Conduit in Shankou RCC Dam Construction 真空溜槽在山口电站碾压砼大坝工程施工中的应用
- Ecological Environment Changes and Rational Utilization of Water Resources in the Keriya River Basin 克里雅河流域生态环境变化与水资源合理利用
- Preliminary study on the ecotourism carrying capacity of Shankou mangrove reserve 山口红树林保护区生态旅游环境容量的初步研究
- Optimization of mix proportion for roller compaction concrete dam and its application at Shankou power station 山口电站大坝碾压混凝土施工配合比优化与应用
- Construction Technique and Quality Control for the Asphalt Concrete Core in Shankou Hydraulic Project 山口水利枢纽沥青砼心墙施工工艺与质量控制
- Study on Formation and Development of Aeolian Landform and Trend of Environmental Change at Lower Reach of the Keriya River, Taklimakan Desert 塔克拉玛干沙漠克里雅河下游地区风沙地貌的形成发育与环境变化趋势的初步研究
- Keriya oasis 于田绿洲
- Keriya River 克里雅河
- Riyue Shankou 日月山口,位于中国青海省
- Turugart Shankou 吐尔尕特山口,位于中国新疆维吾尔自治区
- Uzbel Shankou 乌孜别里山口,位于中国新疆维吾尔自治区
- Shankou Reservoir 新疆山口水库
- Alataw Shankou 阿拉山口,位于中国新疆维吾尔自治区
- Bayan Har Shankou 巴颜喀拉山口,位于中国青海省