- Kawamura Tomoya 川村知也(1933-),日本人,外交官。
- Okazaki Tomoya: Tomoya is the male protagonist. 冈崎朋也:朋也是男主角。
- Kotomi is another schoolmate of Tomoya's in the same year. 琴美是朋也的另一位同年级的同学,在全国联考中各科都名列前十。
- Likewise, Tomoya doesn't treat Tomoyo like a junior. 同样的,朋也也没有把智代当作后辈来看待。
- Cantonchuan zhen Kawamura town government in Canton. 广川镇镇政府驻广川村。
- Tomoya Okazaki is a third year high school student resentful of his life. 冈崎朋也,是一个拒绝与家人交流、不愿留在家里的人。
- Kawamura, however, added: "If his comments hurt any feelings, I apologize. 他还说:“如果他的这番话伤害了一些人的感情,我深感抱歉。
- Ruicheng County, the east coast of the Yellow River near he Kawamura. 芮城县黄河东岸的匼河村附近。
- Kawamura unearthed in Zhengzhou, the of the late has also drawn 12 Sun. 郑州大河村出土的仰韶文化晚期的彩陶罐上也画着12个太阳。
- Tomoya Nagase is played during the war, memory loss, but Suiyueran Tosa in the water to live and work down. 长濑智也扮演的就是在战争中丧失记忆,却随遇而安在土佐清水安居乐业下来。
- At the beginning of the school year, Tomoya meets Nagisa Furukawa, a soft-spoken girl. 在学年一开始,朋也遇到了渚,一个柔弱的女孩。
- Tomoya finds out that she's getting hurt using a blunt knife and confiscates it. 朋也发现她被这把很钝的小刀弄伤了,于是将其没收。
- August 20 6 pm, police in handling cases in three Duzhen double Kawamura arrested are asleep "scar Columbia. 8月20日6时许,办案民警在三渡镇双河村抓获正在睡梦中的“疤哥”。
- A. to retrieve Aoi's body, Tomoya recalls the love affair they never really had. 当葵的家人动身去洛杉矶取回她的尸首时,智回忆起了他们从没真正确立的恋爱关系。
- Kuwahara M, Tochigi T, Kawamura S, Ogata Y, Xu N, Wang H, Zhang H, Li S, Li X, Zhao X. 李晓萌,李江,张灵,李扬,王洪亮,计国义,桑原正明,赵雪俭。
- Aso will use the former Ministry of Education and Science with Kawamura Takeo Renguan the Housing Executive. 在这样的地方活动,吸入了大量的有害物质,健身房里的一些粉尘容易引起过敏性疾病。
- The two begin hanging out and slowly, as time goes by, Tomoya finds his life shifting in a new direction. 岁月无情地流逝,那在朋也身边仿佛停滞了的时间也即将迎来终结...就在那长长的坡道之下。
- Chief Japanese Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura says the council is likely to approve an interception attempt. 日本、美国和韩国都表示,如果北韩发射火箭,他们一定会寻求联合国对北韩采取新的制裁措施。