- Kawakawa Yasunari makes no exception either. 川端康成的创作也不例外。
- This paper tries to explain marked influence of Kawakawa Yasunari's childhood experience, especially experience of lacking upon his novel creation from the angle of psychology of literature. 本文从文艺心理学的角度,剖析了川端康成的童年经验特别是缺失性经验对其小说创作所产生的显著影响。
- Kawakawa Yasunari 川端康成
- Yasunari Kawabata kept a close relationship with art in his whole life. 摘要川端康成一生与美术结下不解之缘。
- The Snow World wrote by Kawabata Yasunari is a famous masterpiece with unvarying artistic fascination. 摘要川端康成的《雪国》是一部具有恒久艺术魅力的名作。
- Kawabata Yasunari was awarded Nobel Prize for his great literary creations such as Snow Country. 川端康成因《雪国》等作品而成为"诺贝尔文学奖"的获得者。
- Conclusion part will explain and upgrade Kawabata Yasunari "s fiction art and life aesthetics. 结语部分是对川端康成小说艺术和生命美学思想的系统把握和再次提升、阐释。
- In addition, Kawabata Yasunari constantly try to master the modern Western literature skills. 在向新感觉派掘进的道路上,川端康成实验了西方现代文学技巧。
- Traditional Japanese aesthetic philosophy "of sorrow" and "Fuga" infiltrated Yasunari Kawabata articles. 日本传统美学理念“物哀”、“风雅”渗透了川端康成的文章。
- Yasunari Kimura, Takao Tsuboi, and Tesuneo Endoh, Variable Flywheel Mechanism and Flywheel Apparatus, U.S. Patent No. 20070179012A1, 2007. 山田义和佐藤义一,可变冲程引擎,中华民国专利公报200415301,2005年。
- For Japanese modern writer Kawabata Yasunari, a show of literary inner life focuses on further prusuit for "love" in this works. 摘要对于日本现代作家川端康成来说,文学内部生命的展示集中于对爱学进行深入的探究和开掘。
- In Kawabata Yasunari's works, the stream of consciousness is realized through audio sense, visual sense, dream and subconsciousness. 川端笔下的意识流的实现形式往往是听觉、视觉、梦境和潜意识。
- As a creation technique, the stream of consciousness is closely interrelated to Kawabata Yasunari's creation philosophy. 摘要意识流作为一种创作手法,与川端康成的创作理念是相辅相成的。
- Without understanding Yasunari Kawabata's relationship with art, we could not go deep into the heart of this writer and his works. 不了解川端康成与日本美术作品的关系,必然出现理解上的表面化、简单化。
- During the long period of his life, Kawabata Yasunari created a large number of outstanding literary works, and have set up a unique art building. 在漫长的一生中,川端康成创作了大量优秀的文学作品,构建起一座独具特色的艺术大厦。
- Kawabata Yasunari, not only in the history of Japanese literature left a carefully written, but also had a place in the world literary. 川端康成不仅在日本文学史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔,而且在世界文坛上也占有一席之地。
- Without understanding Yasunari Kawabata's relationship with art,we could not go deep into the heart of this writer and his works. 不了解川端康成与日本美术作品的关系,必然出现理解上的表面化、简单化。
- In addition, of the famous painter, Finch, Japanese writer Yasunari Kawabata, and so on, they are hard-working drums follow, step by step towards success. 还有,著名画家达,芬奇,日本作家川端康成,等等,他们都是踏着勤奋的鼓点,一步一步走向成功的。
- In 1976 Edward Seidensticker, an academic already celebrated for his translations of Yasunari Kawabata, a Nobel prize-winning novelist, brought out a new version. 1976年,爱德华.;赛丹施蒂的版本面世,此前翻译诺贝尔文学奖得主川端康成的小说而蜚声学界。
- Essentially speaking, Kawabata Yasunari's literary style of lusting for women poetically reflects his unhealthy life experience as an orphan in childhood. 因此,从内在的形成原因来看,川端文学的“好色’,情调是其诗化了的孤儿的缺失体验。