- Kawabata Aiyoshi 川畑爱义(1905-),日本人,医学教授。
- Kaoru and Komoto are two milestone characters in Kawabata literature. “薰”与“驹子”是川端文学中两位里程碑式的人物形象。
- Yasunari Kawabata kept a close relationship with art in his whole life. 摘要川端康成一生与美术结下不解之缘。
- Kawabata is one of the pioneers of modernism in Japanese literature. 川端康成是日本文学现代派的开山祖师之一。
- The Snow World wrote by Kawabata Yasunari is a famous masterpiece with unvarying artistic fascination. 摘要川端康成的《雪国》是一部具有恒久艺术魅力的名作。
- Kawabata Yasunari was awarded Nobel Prize for his great literary creations such as Snow Country. 川端康成因《雪国》等作品而成为"诺贝尔文学奖"的获得者。
- Akiko Kawabata (Drawing), Hidemi Shimura (Mixed Media Fiber Art), Luo Yalan (Oil Painting), Sanae Tanabe (Textile Art). 明子川端(绘图),秀实志村(混合媒介纤维艺术),罗亚岚(油画),早苗田边(纺织艺术)。
- They are Yoshida Tatsuya, Tsuyama Atsushi, Kawabata Makoto, Chinese music fans are familiar with them. 所有的声音都在我们周围的各个角落存在着,而我就仅仅是发现声音,并在人们面前表演出来。
- Kawabata will this experience into art, is displayed in front of the reader's novel "Izu dancer. 因为人们寻常对流浪艺人是猎奇的、蔑视的。
- Kawabata Makoto: he wrote: Music, for me, is neither something that I create, nor a form of self-expression. 河端一:他写道:对于我来说,音乐既不是我创造的,也不是自我表现的一种形式。
- Komako and leaves the heroine's image, can be called on behalf of women Kawabata literature. 女主人公驹子和叶子的形象,堪称川端文学的女性代表。
- Conclusion part will explain and upgrade Kawabata Yasunari "s fiction art and life aesthetics. 结语部分是对川端康成小说艺术和生命美学思想的系统把握和再次提升、阐释。
- In addition, Kawabata Yasunari constantly try to master the modern Western literature skills. 在向新感觉派掘进的道路上,川端康成实验了西方现代文学技巧。
- Traditional Japanese aesthetic philosophy "of sorrow" and "Fuga" infiltrated Yasunari Kawabata articles. 日本传统美学理念“物哀”、“风雅”渗透了川端康成的文章。
- The like ecology and require a short tour, with several points of interest, that are relatively close together,"said Kawabata. 旅游时间短,而且兴趣面广”。
- KES-F(Kawabata Evaluation System-Fabric)has been developed to KES FB-AUTO-A. Compared with the KES-FB,the newest KES FB-AUTO-A has many excellences. KES-F(KawabataEvaluationSystem Fabric)织物风格评价系统经历了2次升级换代:KES-FB系统与新型全自动KESFB-AUTO-A系统。
- The authors Hemmingway, Kawabata, and Mishima, the magnate Kodak, and numerous other celebrities, all committed suicide. 还有不少的戏子明星,他们很多人是自杀身丧;
- Accordingly, we can grasp Kawabata's unique artistic thought better, and provide a new method to understand the abstruse implication in his works. 从而更好地把握川端艺术思维的独特性,并为进一步解读川端作品的深度意蕴提供一条新的途径。
- For Japanese modern writer Kawabata Yasunari, a show of literary inner life focuses on further prusuit for "love" in this works. 摘要对于日本现代作家川端康成来说,文学内部生命的展示集中于对爱学进行深入的探究和开掘。
- In Kawabata Yasunari's works, the stream of consciousness is realized through audio sense, visual sense, dream and subconsciousness. 川端笔下的意识流的实现形式往往是听觉、视觉、梦境和潜意识。