- Katsura Nobuo 桂信雄(1930-),日本人,官员。
- No single work captures the essence of Japan like Katsura. 没有一个单一的工作,抓住了本质,日本像桂。
- The Modernist admirers of Katsura have always decried the New Shoin. 在现代主义崇拜者桂一直谴责新松阴。
- Visitors look at "hina" dolls at a community center in Katsura, western Japan on Sunday. 参观民众周日在日本关西胜浦市一个社区中心里观赏雏人形娃娃。
- The Graduate Schools of Engineering and Informatics are in the process of moving to the Katsura campus. 现在工学研究科和情报学研究科正初步迁往桂校区。
- The first and the more optimistic ending was made public by Nobuo Sato several years ago. 连未来的老婆静宜也答应要先嫁给别人。总之,对大雄来讲,生活就是一连串类似事件的反覆。
- Handsome gentlemen such as Makoto Ito, ladies and beautiful as Katsura Kotonoha, lovely as Sekai Saionji. 各位先生英俊如伊藤诚,各位小姐美丽如桂言叶,可爱如西园寺世界。
- Fujikawa Nobuo, male, Japanese, Ph.D. in Education, Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Human Sciences, Osaka University, Japan. 藤川信夫,男,日本人,大阪大学人间科学研究科,副教授,博士(教育学);
- Katsura was built in the 17th century, but its origins extend back to the Heian Era a thousand years ago, when Kyoto was known as Heian-Kyo. 桂建于17世纪,但它的起源延长回到平安时代1000年前,当京都被称为平安京。
- Nobuo Tanaka, head of the International Energy Agency, says tackling climate change requires a paradigm shift in the power sector. 国际能源署执行干事田中伸男指出,高能源价格已然出现,应对气候变化需要在电力行业有一个范式转换。
- The couple would perform most of the ceremony before takeoff "so that they can say their vows and look out the window," Katsura said. 桂太郎说,婚礼仪式的大部分程序将在起飞之前完成,这样“新人们就有时间互立婚誓,并可欣赏舱外的风景”。
- Nobuo Ozaki, the head of Product Development at Maeda, invented the slant parallelogram rear derailleur in 1964 and Maeda obtained worldwide patents on the design. 尾崎信夫,在产品开发的前田头,发明了倾斜平行四边形在1964年后拨和前田的设计获得全球专利。
- International Energy Agency head Nobuo Tanaka warned that current prices, which hit a record of $117 a barrel, are too high for all consumers and particularly punishing for developing nations. 国际能源机构总干事田中伸男警告说,目前的油价已经达到创记录的每桶117美元。这个价格对所有消费者来说都太高,高油价特别对发展中国家带来冲击。
- Where no such commercial drivers exist, governments must step in to ensure that we make the most of every energy efficiency opportunity," IEA Executive Director Nobuo Tanaka said in a statement. 如果没有这种商业驱动力存在,各国政府必须进行干预,以确保我们最大限度地利用每种能源效率的机会,”国际能源机构的执行主任田中伸男在一份声明中说。
- Visual systems with a fovea are the most familiar, but auditory systems can have an acoustic fovea as well, as has been elegantly demonstrated by Nobuo Suga of Washington University in mustached bats. 视觉系统发展出中央窝是最为人所熟知的例子,而听觉系统同样也可以有中央窝,美国密苏里州华盛顿大学的菅乃武男已经以髭蝠为例,漂亮地证实了这一点。
- (Final Fantasy V)Uematsu, Nobuo - Go Go Boco! 曲谱介绍:Uematsu, Nobuo - Go Go Boco!
- Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius, pillars of the Modernist establishment, were fascinated by Katsura's "modernity." 勒柯布西耶和沃尔特格罗佩斯,支柱的现代成立,向往桂的“现代性。”
- Katsura Imperial Villa 桂离宫
- Katsura Masaaki 桂正昭(1919-),日本人,公证人。
- katsura Masayoshi 桂政喜(1926-),日本人,官员。