- Katsu Kaishu 胜海舟
- The Chicken Katsu Set looks very nice! 饭的顶部铺满了特制的酱汁,有蟹肉等材料。
- The current script of Chinese characters is kaishu (regular script). 历史证明,汉字具有旺盛的生命力。
- We tried the Rosu Katsu (Pork) Curry and Pork Stewed Curry and find it not bad. 曾经我问一个做管理的朋友:“究竟你是用什么办法让你的员工都死心塌地地留在你的公司。”
- After the Chinese writing enters the kaishu stage, the glyph also again continues to simplify. 中国文字进入楷书阶段后,字形还再继续简化。
- Chicken Katsu, the fried chicken in Japanese flour, with juicy meat bite but crunchy surface. 日式炸鸡排,里面肉汁十足,而外皮香脆,不错!
- After the Chinese writing enters the kaishu stage, the glyph also again continues to simplify, but typeface not too sweeping change. 中国文字进入楷书阶段后,字形还再继续简化,但字体没太大变化。
- The kaishu also is called the book, the real book, explained the kaishu is provides the human the study and the utilization regular calligraphy style. 楷书也称为正书、真书,说明了楷书是提供人学习和运用的正规书体。
- The line writes is quicker than the kaishu, does not look like grass script such to identify with difficulty, therefore has the very high use value. 行书写起来比楷书快,又不像草书那样难以辨认,因此有很高的实用价值。
- Kaishu: The kaishu is also called the book, the real book, is for the person study and the utilization regular calligraphy style. 楷 书:楷书也称为正书、真书,是供人学习和运用的正规书体。
- T. Ide, H. Mizuta, H. Numata, Y. Taira, M. Suzuki, M. Noguchi, and Y. Katsu, "Dot pattern generation technique using molecular dynamics", J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 20, 248-255, 2003. 张耀祖,“使用发光二极体为光源的背光板设计”,硕士论文,中华大学电机工程学系,2003年。
- Is the north "wall Maninsan" four powerful kaishu escape strong gold in large letters, handwritten word for Emperor Kangxi. 正北面“宫墙万仞”四个遁劲有力的楷书鎏金大字,相传为康熙皇帝手书。
- The basic strokes of Kaishu-dian, tiau, heng, shu, pie, na, and hu are the smallest units that constitute every single Kaishu word. 摘要楷书基本笔形,是指点、挑、横、竖、撇、捺、弧等,构成所有楷体汉字的最小单位之笔画形状。
- The earliest kaishu calligrapher is the Eastern Han Dynasty last years clock zhou, spreads down in the work from it, but also how many is remaining the official script conception. 最早的楷书书法家是东汉末年的钟繇,从其流传下来的作品中,还多少残留著隶书的笔意。
- This article draws up a discussion about the influence of calligraphy main body factor on the Kaishu’s tidiness in order to know the Tang Dynasty’s Kaishu from a new angle. 儒家强调以天下为己任,不太重视艺术,认为艺术要“发乎情,止乎礼义” ,“情”最终要受到“礼义”的约束,唐代儒学刻板教条。
- Running script: The running script is situated between the kaishu and the grass script one kind of typeface, starts in the Wei Jin time in the folk to be popular. 行 书:行书是介于楷书和草书之间的一种字体,在魏晋时代开始在民间流行。
- Katsu don is just a rice dish with pork and egg on top, i eat that every single time when i go to that Japanese Restaurant called Sakura in london, So now I feel a bit disgusted about it now. 其实一直都很喜欢川菜,还记得当时在成都旅游,在街头和我的同学抢吃麻辣烫的情景,那种味道真的是不会忘记。
- The character is the kaishu, and writes with firm strokes, the style of it with the gate tower make one integrated mass, therefore it might be called grandness article since ancient and now. 字为楷书,笔力苍劲浑厚,与城楼风格浑然一体,堪称古今巨作。
- Author Li Bu;Yang Kaishu;Huang Zhanxiu(Sinopec Luoyang Company).; 作者李步;杨开书;黄占修;
- Author Yan Shwyi Li Yu Liang kaishu Wang Ketai Xie Jiali Hu Shiquan; 作者闫书一;李瑜;梁凯书;王科太;谢家理;胡世权;