- Keywords Fanshuiwa gold deposit;Karlin type gold deposit;epithermal mineralization; 范水洼金矿床;卡林型金矿;低温矿化;
- Karlin type gold deposit 卡林型金矿
- The occurrence of gold in a gossan type gold deposit was studied. 红土型金矿床、铁帽型金矿床同属风化淋滤成因的残坡积表生金矿床。
- The gold deposit is a postmagmatic mesothermal-epithermal quartz-vein type gold deposit. 该矿床属岩浆期后中一低温热液充填一交代石英脉型金矿床。
- Under favorable conditions,sellaite-fluorite type gold deposit will be formed from the solution. 在合适的条件下形成氟镁石-萤石型金矿床。
- The Dayingzi altered rock type gold deposit is a newly found gold deposit in the northern Hebei province. 大营子蚀变岩型金矿床是冀北地区新发现的一种金矿类型。
- The Wendeng gold deposit is a tectonic breccia cataclastic rock type gold deposit dominated by brittle shear zone and formed by brittle shearing. 文登金矿是受脆性剪切带控制的构造角砾岩碎裂岩型金矿床,是脆性剪切作用形成的,为典型的动力成岩成矿。
- By using regularity of lateral prostration to find parallel vein and new type gold deposit in deep is the orientation of pro... 利用侧伏规律进行深部找矿、寻找平行脉和新类型金矿是个后主要找矿方向。
- Tongling quartz-vein type gold deposit lies in sourth-east Rushan,Shandong Province,within the Sanfushan porphyritic adamellite body. 铜岭金矿位于山东省乳山市东南部,产在三佛山斑状二长花岗岩中,为含金石英脉型金矿。
- There are widely distribution of alternated rock type gold deposit in the share quartz vein in the north part of Jingdezhen with huge reserves. 景德镇北部剪切石英脉带蚀变岩型金矿分布广泛,资源储量较大。
- Longsheng shear zone type gold deposit is divided into quartz vein type, fine quartz vein type and quartz stockwork type deposit. 桂北龙胜剪切带型金矿划分为石英脉型、石英薄脉型和石英细脉网脉型金矿。
- Heicigou gold deposit is identified as breccia type gold deposit.The ore belongs to typical As and S bearing microgranular refractory gold ore. 肃北县黑刺沟金矿属砾岩型金矿,该矿矿石属典型的含砷、硫微细粒难选金矿石。
- Banded structures are clue to find quartz vein type gold deposit in this area,and representation of the multi-stage mineralization. 条带状构造是该地区石英脉型金矿的主要找矿标志之一,也是多期次成矿的表现形式。
- Daheishan gold deposit is a fractured alteration type and quartz vein type gold deposit, hosted in the outer contact zone of Damiao granite. 大黑山金矿是赋存于大庙花岗岩体外接触带的破碎蚀变岩型和石英脉型金矿。已发现矿脉8条,以27号脉为主要矿脉。
- Anhua Furong gold deposit belongs to a shattered altered rock type gold ore deposit which has great prospecting futurities. 安化芙蓉金矿是一个极具找矿前景的破碎蚀变型金矿,是近年来湖南金矿地质找矿勘查的重大突破。
- Wenyu Gold Deposit is a largescale and faultcontrolled auriferous quartz vein type gold deposit in XiaoQinLing gold mineralization belt. 文峪金矿床是小秦岭金矿带内一大型裂控石英脉型矿床,530脉是其主要矿脉之一,其走向近东西,倾向南,倾角中等。
- The Dongan gold deposit in Xunke county, Heilongjiang province, being a epithermal type gold deposit recently discovered. 东安金矿是黑龙江省发现的大型浅成低温热液低硫化物型金矿床。
- Porphyry gold deposits are one of important type gold deposits in Yunnan. 斑岩型金矿是云南重要的金矿类型。
- Shibangou gold deposit in Xixia, Henan, is a typical altered rock type gold deposit. Shear zones in near NW direction is the key ore controlling structures. 河南西峡石板沟金矿为一典型的蚀变岩型金矿, 近NW 向的剪切带为主要控矿因素。
- Abstract This is a preliminary summation of the geological features of the cataclastic albitite type gold deposit in Dagougu area,northern Guangdong Province. 摘 要 本文对粤北大沟谷碎裂钠长石岩型富金矿床的地质特征进行了初步总结。