- Etwa 20 Menschen kamen ums Leben. 约20人丧生。
- Die Besucher kamen in grosser Zahl. 大批游客前来参观.
- Sie kamen schnell nach draussen geeilt. 句长竟是英文的两倍.;呜呼!
- Die meisten guten Ideen kamen aus dem Westen. 大多数的好主意都来自于西方。
- Zu seiner Beerdigung kamen am 20.April 1759 ca. 3000 Londoner B rger. 1759年4月20日,在他下葬时来了约3000名伦敦市民。
- The scooter builds on "dynamic balancing" technologies Kamen used to create his wheelchair. 这种踏板车运用的是卡门曾在轮椅那项发明上应用过的"动态平衡"技术。
- I only saw it live and haven't seen replays. Hard to believe Yao said this to Kamen. 我只是看了直播没看重放。很难相信姚明对卡曼说了这个。
- Widespread speculation in the media and Internet chat rooms held that Kamen's device involved some sort of revolutionary new engine technology. 媒体和网上聊天室普遍猜测科恩的设备与某种崭新的发动机技术有关。
- He wanted to be the popular Japanese hero Kamen Rider, but never made the show after auditioning twice. 他想成为著名的日本英雄“假面骑士”,但是两次试镜都没有成功。
- In den letzten Jahren kamen immer mehr Bewerbungen aus Asien, speziell aus China. 近年来,越来越多的申请者来自亚洲,特别是中国。
- Februar vor genau 64 Jahren ums Leben kamen - und an die verbrecherischen Kriege der Nazis, die die Alliierten zu den Bombardements verleiteten. 同时也是为了牢记那段纳粹发动的罪恶战争,那段把炸弹引到自己头上的历史。
- Ein lebendes Schandmal: 6000 Neonazis kamen am Wochenende nach Dresden und missbrauchten das Gedenken an die Bombardierung vor 64 Jahren. 活生生的浓重一刻:6000名新纳粹分子本周末披上纪念64年前轰炸事件的羊皮聚集于德累斯顿。
- To prevent this, Tsukasa Kadoya transforms into Kamen Rider Decade to protect his own dimension by defeating the Kamen Riders of the other dimensions. 为防止出现这种情况,司门屋转变卡门骑士十年保护自己的层面战胜了其他假面骑士.
- Dean Kamen has also developed a water distillation, cogeneration system optionally based on a Stirling engine electric generator for both electrical and heat input. 迪安卡门还制定了水蒸馏,热电联产系统选择的基础上斯特林发动机发电机为电气和热输入。
- "New advancements now help us determine who is a good candidate for a bone marrow transplant and who might respond better to other therapies," says Kamen. 克曼说:“如今,新的进步有助于我们判断骨髓移植的合适人选以及谁对治疗的反应较好。
- The scooter is the latest gadget from award-winning inventor Dean Kamen, who has also developed the first insulin pump, a briefcase-sized dialysis machine, and a wheelchair that can climb stairs. 这种踏板车是获奖发明人迪恩·卡门的最新制作,他曾发明过第一个便携式胰岛素泵、公文包大小的透析机和能爬楼梯的轮椅。
- The scooter is powered by standard nickel and metal hydride electric batteries. However, Kamen's research firm is working on an emission-free engine that recycles much of its own heat. 踏板车使用标准的镍氢电池作动力,但卡门的研究部门正在研制一种能再次利用其本身大部分热量的零排放发动机。
- With a range of roughly 17 miles and a top speed of 12 miles per hour,the scooter is not a practical replacement for the automobile on long-distance trips,according to Kamen and others at privately held Segway. 这种小摩托车行程距离大约17英里,最高时速12英里,卡门和其他Segway私立公司的成员认为,在长途旅行方面,它实际上还不能取代汽车。
- The scooter is powered by standard nickel and metal hydride electric batteries. However,Kamen's research firm is working on an emission-free engine that recycles much of its own heat. 踏板车使用标准的镍氢电池作动力,但卡门的研究部门正在研制一种能再次利用其本身大部分热量的零排放发动机。
- The scooter is the latest gadget from award-winning inventor Dean Kamen,who has also developed the first insulin pump,a briefcase-sized dialysis machine,and a wheelchair that can climb stairs. 这种踏板车是获奖发明人迪恩·卡门的最新制作,他曾发明过第一个便携式胰岛素泵、公文包大小的透析机和能爬楼梯的轮椅。